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What time does Sick As Sin start?

[Mar 20,2004 9:39pm - theundergroundscene ""]
I can't find the info :-P
[Mar 20,2004 9:43pm - theundergroundscene ""]
And how far is Down The Street from the Blue Shamrock/Club Fuel (which is just an upstairs/downstairs thing right)?
[Mar 20,2004 11:21pm - boobtoucher ""]
it starts at 3
[Mar 21,2004 12:35am - anonymous  ""]
have they released a scheadule of when and where the bands are playing? how is parking on this street? Do we have to pay?
[Mar 21,2004 3:01am - succubus ""]
it's a few buildings down ..

you can park on the street

i'll leave aaron to reply to the rest
[Mar 21,2004 3:09am - the_reverend ""]
they aren't releasing a schedule.. I guess so that people don't show up just for the band they want to see.
stage 1&3 are in the BS, 2 is in the DTS
[Mar 21,2004 3:58am - Terence ""]
The schedule is in the "what stage will you be at thread"...I wonder why it was never officially posted. Even if people show up to see a few bands, like myself, they're still getting their entry fee.
[Mar 21,2004 9:26am - theundergroundscene ""]
Haha 1 and 2 are the "good stages" so it's going to be fun running around like a chicken with my head off. So Aaron, you think you will be able to shoot every band? Let's see who can get more :-P

Ok I already lose because I am fat.
[Mar 21,2004 10:50am - boobtoucher ""]
Everyone get there at 3! The network's going on first on stage 1 at 3:30! I know, its a clusterfuck but sucka mc's get down on yo knees!

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