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ATTN: Trinitytest

[Mar 27,2004 12:26pm - succubus ""]
so i was at the new england art institute (AI)

and i saw this in a frame on the wall and recognized your photo



maybe you already knew...but if you didn't...figured you'd want to see it.
[Mar 27,2004 1:24pm - trinitytest ""]
Haha, yea Tom Corrigan of AI told me that I made the showcase but I hadn't actually seen it. I thought this questionnaire I answered was just going to be in the Alumni newsletter, which it wasn't, but instead turned up in the showcase. That’s still very cool. I guess for whatever reason those AI guys really like me. I even got to go back and guest-speak to one of their internship seminar classes a couple of months ago too. Its cool, just not sure how to respond modestly to the attention. Thanks for the heads up!
[Mar 27,2004 1:56pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hey Carina, thanks for photoshopping out the moustache I had drawn on him... kidding, harrr.
[Mar 27,2004 2:02pm - trinitytest ""]
[Mar 27,2004 4:53pm - succubus ""]

i got your email...replying now!=)
[Mar 27,2004 5:26pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
I like how they added the shadow to your head.
[Mar 27,2004 5:58pm - trinitytest ""]
Heh I actually added that. They wanted a photo ASAP and I couldn't exactly use a band photo or anything really. So I took the photo and my messy room and stuff was behind me so I cleaned it up. Still looks sorta noticibly editted but oh well - good enough.
[Mar 27,2004 6:59pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
hah, why the hell couldn't you have used a band photo?
[Mar 28,2004 3:52am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
People in charge at AI = whiney bitches. It's a wonder why they even let people go to their school.
[Mar 28,2004 1:22pm - trinitytest ""]
Heh maybe I could have used a band photo, but something tells me thats not what they were looking for. ;)

I don't know about the people in charge of AI being whiney bitches... maybe its different for different departments. I never had any trouble with them really. My experience there was pretty damn good.

I saw more whiney students then teachers and administrators. There were so many students who just wanna fuck around and not do a damn thing in the school and then bitch about the school when they don't suceed in their school/career/life. I saw plenty of those folks. (not saying you're one of them, how would i know anyways, i dont know you ;) )
[Mar 28,2004 2:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I went to that gay fucking school, I hope it burns down and 99% of the students die
[Mar 28,2004 2:52pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hahah. In conclusion: everyone sucks.
[Mar 28,2004 4:01pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope you survive Mike, because I am so caring.

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