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[QUOTE="porphyria:1004044"]Hope future patches will address these issues, otherwise it's back to World At War! "After statements during online chats hosted by Infinity Ward and Activision's public statements, members of the hardcore gaming community are feeling slighted by a dearth of features in Modern Warfare 2. PC gamers have been most shocked by the relelations to come out of Infinity Ward. During an online chat session, the following new news about the game was discovered: Of course, people understand by now that PC players will not have dedicated servers. In addition, however, Modern Warfare 2 will not have the ability to vote-kick players from a match. When pressed about the issue, Infinity Ward has stated that they'll be taking action against hackers that make their way past VAC (the anti-cheating system). Infinity Ward has confirmed that gamers cannot opt-out of hosting matches, a concern for those players that are on ISPs that don't allow dedicated servers. With all of these limits, it's hard to imagine more, but... Modern Warfare 2 is also limited to 9 vs 9 matches, only 18 total players on a map. One last kick to the PC gamers is the lack of a Console Mode (a mode where PC gamers are able to enter commands directly into the game). When asked if Modern Warfare 2 was simply a console port, Infinity Ward said "No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings." Apparently, they have absolutely no idea what was meant by the question. And the real answer is "Yes, why the hell would we develop 2 games, when we can just make one and get the same amount of money?" But the suprises aren't limited to PC gamers. Xbox 360 gamers are being locked out of features as well. In an attempt to block cheaters, Infinity Ward will not allow Xbox Live Party Chat in Modern Warfare 2. In fact, the option is very clear cut if you open a Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer mode while already in a chat scenario - Modern Warfare 2 will ask you to either quit your party chat, or quit the game. The message that appears is an Xbox 360 dashboard message, rather than an in-game message. This means that gamers are likely to suffer this message in games of the future, not just Modern Warfare 2 on the Xbox 360. Obviously, PlayStation 3 players of Modern Warfare 2 won't get this message, as they don't have party chat. It was also leaked late last week (and later confirmed by Infinity Ward) that Modern Warfare 2 will have 3rd person views in some of its multiplayer modes. Infinity Ward clarified when and how 3rd player mode will be used in Modern Warfare 2. The 3rd person mode will be available in private multiplayer matches, and all players will be forced to use the third person view if the option is on in the server. In other words, everyone will be on the same level if a third person match style is selected. There will also be special playlists that players can join which allow / require the third person mode. "[/QUOTE]
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