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drummer wanted

[Mar 30,2004 10:05pm - sxejustin  ""]
hey my band they all burned is looking for a drummer. we're a grindcore metal band. just looking for someone who has their head on straight and can devote sunday nights to practicing. if you want more info email me at sxejustin@bywires.com thanks
[Mar 31,2004 9:36am - handinjury ""]
Where are you guys from??
[Mar 31,2004 10:02am - trinitytest ""]
Justin's a little slow on the reponse sometimes so I'll help out. They All Burned is from Bridgewater, MA. They practice on sundays in Taunton. I am in a different band called Trinity Test with Justin, and I can tell you he's a skilled musician and easy to work with. This is a good opportunity.
[Mar 31,2004 12:55pm - morkul ""]
Bro, does Boston not have any drummers what so ever. It seems like every band there needs a drummer. I am in the wrong place.
[Mar 31,2004 2:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
there is a big conspiracy to stop metal in Boston, and Don Law has found a way to brainwash drummers to only like art rock or other non-metal types of rock.
[Mar 31,2004 2:03pm - morkul ""]
Not me. Glad I live here no brainwashing going on here. I just do my thing. Still thinks it's weird that there are not that many drummers there. Maybe they are all hibernating till they get good,then are going to flood the scene.
[Mar 31,2004 3:42pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
according my my cousin, it's the
same way in CA. no good drummers.
wonder why??
[Mar 31,2004 6:33pm - morkul ""]
Man I can't wait to get back into the scene, as soon as I get out of here(real soon, after school) I'm finding the most extreme band I can put together. Heels down all the way baby.
[Mar 31,2004 8:47pm - sxejustin  ""]
ya the boston scene is very limiting at times, i just hope someone sees this and can help, oh well... dissapointment is something to get used to i guess
[Apr 1,2004 12:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
morkul said:Man I can't wait to get back into the scene, as soon as I get out of here(real soon, after school) I'm finding the most extreme band I can put together. Heels down all the way baby.

no, after school you're gonna do what you're
going to school for. unless you'd rather be in
a band, then quit now so i don't throw away
anymore money on a degree you're not gonna
[Apr 1,2004 9:27am - morkul ""]
Yeah for a day job, nobody said anything about that, but my nights are still open for a band.

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