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Forced Asphyxiation Needs Vox

[Oct 4,2009 10:43pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

3 piece death metal, seeks a vocalist, so we can continue playing shows again.. we have rough tracks up on our myspace, but are way brutaler in ur face and loud..

hit us up if interested.
[Oct 4,2009 10:53pm - Archaeon ""]
I'll join just cus of the pot leaf.
[Oct 4,2009 10:55pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
yeah sucka thats what i like to hear.
[Oct 4,2009 10:57pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
when u available.
[Oct 4,2009 11:19pm - Archaeon ""]
[Oct 4,2009 11:38pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
real funny u faget.. stick with ur pop punk buttplug music

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