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STARWARS in concert

[Oct 10,2009 1:56am - swamplorddvm ""]
At the TD garden. Saturday November. 14.

If you don't find this interesting at all you can eat shit!
[Oct 10,2009 2:24am - the_reverend ""]
Whoah, are you spying on me? I was just watching that on PBSHD
[Oct 10,2009 2:27am - swamplorddvm ""]
That is why I know of this mighty event. They're playing it again. Damn pledge drives.

I just ordered my ticket.
[Oct 10,2009 2:28am - swamplorddvm ""]

[Oct 10,2009 2:41am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 11,2009 5:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
i'll be there.
[Oct 11,2009 10:12pm - swamplorddvm ""]
or be square.
[Oct 11,2009 11:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this sounds amazing
[Oct 28,2009 11:18pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Bump for the Jedi order.

...awaiting reply from Sith sympathizers.
[Oct 28,2009 11:38pm - NickReddy ""]
I am going to the one in manchester. Stoked.
[Oct 29,2009 8:31am - AndrewBastard  ""]
Already got my tickets...

sucks they're doing music from the 3 fake movies...the music is cool but I can't bear to watch the footage.

My mom got me the ill tickets so I can go early and masyterbate in the museum...

I doubt it'll be nearly as cool as when that shit was at the Museum of Science though...I almost cried then.
[Oct 29,2009 9:08am - the_reverend ""]

NickReddy said:I am going to the one in manchester. Stoked.
One of my friends is some how performing the manchester one. though I think he also got invited to perform the boston one too, but idk.
[Oct 29,2009 11:28am - ouchdrummer ""]

swamplorddvm said:Bump for the Jedi order.

Sith OR Jedi, i don't care... Yuuzhan Vong, represent!

...awaiting reply from Sith sympathizers.

[Nov 2,2009 12:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I love episode III. Yes, there are many cheesy parts and bad acting. But then so do the others.

But Yoday's broken english is alittle too broken in the new ones.

I look forward to seeing this.

[Nov 2,2009 12:43pm - aril  ""]
Might be here with my kid
[Nov 2,2009 12:45pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Ah hell, I need to go to this...
[Nov 14,2009 3:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Check out my date to the show!

IT'S TRUE! Why would I make that up?!?!
[Nov 14,2009 8:33pm - rotivore ""]

swamplorddvm said:[img]

Check out my date to the show!

IT'S TRUE! Why would I make that up?!?!

Id believe you if there was green Jaba slime on her breasts
[Nov 14,2009 8:34pm - the_reverend ""]
ITT: attentionwhore
[Nov 15,2009 10:20am - AndrewBastard  ""]
here is me w/ my dates...

[Nov 15,2009 11:35am - aril  ""]
You end up finding someone to go??
[Nov 15,2009 11:48am - AndrewBastard  ""]
yeah, sorry about that.
[Nov 15,2009 1:21pm - aril  ""]
Haha it's alright. I couldn't make it anyway.. Always wanted one of those damn stormtrooper suits..
[Nov 15,2009 1:23pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Those are some short-ass Stormtroopers.
[Nov 15,2009 2:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]

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