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Looking For A Car

[Nov 2,2009 5:06pm - ddrummer_nli  ""]
Looking for an affordable running car that will pass inspection. If anyone can help me out/ know someone that may be able to any help is greatly appreciated.

[Nov 2,2009 5:14pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Same fucking here! I need an affordable car with the same needs as ddrummer. Hook a darkie up!!
[Nov 2,2009 5:16pm - ddrummer_nli  ""]
are you commandeering my thread!? haha, good luck to you as well
[Nov 2,2009 5:18pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Yes, yes I am. Haha, nah man, just in the same boat as you. Good luck to you too sir.
[Nov 2,2009 5:49pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

Do you see returntothepit on that list? No. Carry on, sirs. Carry on.
[Nov 2,2009 6:13pm - ddrummer_nli  ""]
were looking to help friends out/ to the people we somewhat trust(though probably shouldn't) that's why were looking here captain
[Nov 2,2009 6:16pm - scumfuck ""]
A guy at my work is selling a 02 police interceptor for 2000 bucks. Its got 160k miles but it runs pretty strong still. Let me know if you're interested. Eyehatetim@yahoo.com. Plus its got a huge trunk for dead hookers errrr i mean equipment and such.
[Nov 2,2009 6:17pm - immortal13 ""]
I may be selling my truck soon. Does it need to pass mass or nh inspection?
[Nov 2,2009 6:18pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
You and the captain can make it happn. Www.autotrader.com

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