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Feb 4 (Thu) - Born of Fire (New Metal Night) http://www.bornoffireallston.com Kickoff Party with Motherboar and Phantom Glue - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

"Born of Fire" - New Metal night starting February 4th at O'Brien's

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Nov 23,2009 11:58am - BornofFire ""]

Starting February 4th I'm starting a new Metal night at O'Brien's called Born of Fire. It will be the first and 3rd Thursday in February with more coming in the following months. 1 or 2 bands, me playing old and new metal/hardcore before, in-between and after the bands, and horror movies/metal videos/Docs will be projected.

Phantom Glue and Motherboar will be helping me kick this shit off.

Doors at 8:30, $5, 21+

[Nov 23,2009 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 23,2009 12:57pm - BornofFire ""]
Also if any bands are interested in playing in the spring shoot me an email at bornoffireallston@gmail.com
[Nov 23,2009 1:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sounds good...we'll be in touch
[Nov 23,2009 1:15pm - raging alcoholic  ""]
sounds good until I read hardcore
[Nov 23,2009 1:22pm - BornofFire ""]
It will be 95% metal with a few other songs thrown in. Don't worry, it's a metal night and that's what I will mostly play.
[Nov 30,2009 12:46pm - bornoffire ""]
[Nov 30,2009 1:18pm - thuringwethil ""]
That fuckin' rules.
Heavy Metal Breakdown, Boston's Dead and Helvete are sorely missed.
[Nov 30,2009 1:27pm - M.F.BASTARD  ""]
what about take care and control?

that night had promise
[Nov 30,2009 1:29pm - chuck  ""]
It is too bad this is a Thursday thing. More metal weekends are needed for me to make the trek to Allston.
[Nov 30,2009 1:41pm - bornoffire ""]
Would love to do it on a weekend but for now a weeknight is the only option. At least Thursday is better then Monday or Sunday nights.
[Nov 30,2009 2:55pm - stagediving thrash fag  ""]
way to bring a metal night to boston and book two of the gayest bands ever for the first night. thanks.

death to false metal
[Nov 30,2009 2:58pm - bornoffire ""]
Can't please everybody all the time.
[Nov 30,2009 3:01pm - bornoffire ""]
Recommend bands you would want to see and I'll book them.
[Nov 30,2009 3:24pm - Louie Rocco, DDS  ""]
Rampant Decay!!! Rampant Decay!!!
[Nov 30,2009 3:25pm - bornoffire ""]
They are on the list for sure.
[Nov 30,2009 3:29pm - pam at school  ""]
Rad. Good luck getting it going!
[Nov 30,2009 3:42pm - Jeff Met Aliens  ""]
We Met Aliens is always down
[Nov 30,2009 3:45pm - bornoffire ""]
Send me an email with your info etc. bornoffireallston@gmail.com
[Nov 30,2009 3:48pm - Goetia  ""]

M.F.BASTARD said:what about take care and control?

that night had promise

[Nov 30,2009 3:56pm - KPanzer  ""]
Zack is a solid dude and a real metalhead-SUPPORT!
[Nov 30,2009 3:58pm - bornoffire ""]
Thanks Keith
[Dec 4,2009 12:33pm - bornoffire ""]
[Dec 4,2009 1:46pm - RichHorror ""]

Louie%20Rocco,%20DDS said:Rampant Decay!!! Rampant Decay!!!

Thank you for your support.

[Dec 4,2009 2:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
You've got mail
[Dec 4,2009 5:06pm - badsneakers ""]
I like this!

Sent an email
[Dec 4,2009 6:26pm - robing ""]
[Dec 16,2009 8:10pm - RichHorror ""]
March 18th


Rampant Decay
Rat Corpse [ex-Defcon 4]
@ O'Briens - 3 Harvard Ave - Allston, MA
$5 - 8 pm - 21+
[Dec 16,2009 8:12pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 16,2009 9:57pm - bornoffire ""]
Have some good stuff being put together...as always any bands interested in playing please get in touch. Send me an e-mail at bornoffireallston@gmail.com.
[Dec 17,2009 1:10am - BigRed ""]
[Dec 17,2009 10:23am - eyehatehippies ""]
[Dec 17,2009 11:30am - Jeff_Met_Aliens ""]

eyehatehippies said:Cool.

at first i thought your name was "eyehatenipples", I lol'd in my pants a little.
[Dec 17,2009 11:45am - DwayneWasIntroducedToAnomalousBeings  ""]
thats what i thought it said too
[Dec 21,2009 10:27am - bornoffire ""]
Night 2: February 18th, 2010
O'Brien's (http://www.obrienspubboston.com)
Doors at 8:00
10:00 Jack Burton vs. David Lo Pan (http://www.myspace.com/jbvdlp)
11:00 Raw Radar War (http://www.myspace.com/septicyouthcommand)
[Dec 22,2009 10:58am - bornoffire ""]
Upcoming Shows:
March 4th:
Blacktail (http://www.myspace.com/blacktail321)
Whitey (http://www.myspace.com/whiteyrocks)

Loud angry noise that at its top-dollar
best is the sonic equivalent of mixing all the syrups to make brown
slush. Family tree includes Eye for an Eye, Cast Iron Hike, Doomriders,
La Gritona, Luca ...Brasi, Anodyne, Michael Mancini, Ham Sandwich, and
Sweetness. If you liked anything about any of them, chances are you'll
find something for you in Blacktail. Not that we care one way or
another, if you like, that's grand, but if you don't, so long. No hard
feelings. What's important is that we dig it. Blacktail has no
collective platform, mission, or vision. No long-term goals. No big
plans. Blacktail lacks any identity beyond the sound. If you hear or
see some overarching theme or agenda, you are mistaken. It ain't there.

This is their first show back in a year!

March 18th:
Rampant Decay (http://www.myspace.com/rampantdecay)
Rat Corpse (ex Defcon 4) (http://www.myspace.com/ratcorpse)
[Dec 24,2009 4:49pm - bornoffire ""]
I made a myspace for this as well. Bands, friend it on there and check up the upcoming shows booked through April.

[Jan 4,2010 5:43pm - mattvc ""]
Zack is the man, and Born Of Fire is already proving itself to be a kick ass night. JBvDLP is stoked release our EP with Born Of Fire and Raw Radar War on 02/18.
[Jan 4,2010 6:11pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Closed Casket has sent you email
[Jan 4,2010 6:28pm - RustyPS ""]
befriended by all the bands I'm in...lol
[Jan 4,2010 6:41pm - Hoser ""]
Interesting..."born of fire" was part of the lyrics that I wrote for HCN years ago.
[Jan 4,2010 6:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]
In B4 Tom Araya's unicorn
[Jan 4,2010 6:52pm - Eddie ""]
unleash all my burning wrath
potential killing machine
take down all who block my path
enjoying all that's obscene...
[Jan 5,2010 9:51am - bornoffire ""]
[Jan 5,2010 9:52am - bornoffire ""]
Night 2!
[Jan 5,2010 9:59am - RustyPS ""]

mattvc said:Zack is the man, and Born Of Fire is already proving itself to be a kick ass night. JBvDLP is stoked release our EP with Born Of Fire and Raw Radar War on 02/18.
CD or vinyl?
[Jan 5,2010 10:01am - bornoffire ""]
Limited edition CD's I believe..screen printed packaging hand made...limit of 100. Right Matt?
[Jan 5,2010 5:31pm - grim reefer  ""]

Thursday 04.15.10

Frozen http://www.myspace.com/frozenusa

Soul Remnants http://www.myspace.com/chopwork
[Jan 5,2010 7:15pm - bornoffire ""]
Looking forward to that one.
[Jan 7,2010 4:50pm - bornoffire ""]
Thursday, May 6th!

Razormaze (http://www.myspace.com/razormazethrash)

To The Wolves (http://www.myspace.com/tothewolves)
[Jan 7,2010 5:41pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

grim%20reefer said:
Thursday 04.15.10

Frozen http://www.myspace.com/frozenusa

Soul Remnants http://www.myspace.com/chopwork

looking forward to this one as well
[Jan 8,2010 12:01am - t2daeek ""]
Sexcrement vs. Hive Smasher @ Obrien's

don't forget to bring a towel
[Jan 8,2010 4:29am - sixstringcarnage ""]
You can count Forced Asphyxiation in.
[Jan 8,2010 10:59am - bornoffire ""]
Right on
[Jan 8,2010 11:09am - RustyPS ""]

t2daeek said:4/1/10
Sexcrement vs. Hive Smasher @ Obrien's

don't forget to bring a towel

bornoffire said:Thursday, May 6th!

Razormaze (http://www.myspace.com/razormazethrash)

To The Wolves (http://www.myspace.com/tothewolves)

ooooooooooooooooooooo doggy
[Jan 10,2010 1:59am - beelze ""]

raging%20alcoholic said:sounds good until I read hardcore
[Jan 10,2010 8:16am - aaron_michael ""]

t2daeek said:4/1/10
Sexcrement vs. Hive Smasher @ Obrien's

don't forget to bring a towel

[Jan 15,2010 9:30am - mattvc ""]

bornoffire said:Limited edition CD's I believe..screen printed packaging hand made...limit of 100. Right Matt?

Correct. We'd love to do vinyl, but it's not in the cards (read:budget). AND, as an added bonus, there's material on the CD that will not be available on the digital version.
[Jan 15,2010 2:00pm - bornoffire ""]
got a jpeg of the art?
[Jan 15,2010 4:37pm - jmcnasty ""]
Forevers fallen grace is def interested
[Jan 18,2010 9:21pm - mattvc ""]

bornoffire said:got a jpeg of the art?

not finished yet, but Worn Out design is working some fucking wonders. Should be a shirt design by them at the show too.
[Jan 21,2010 9:18pm - mattvc ""]

mattvc said:
bornoffire said:got a jpeg of the art?

not finished yet, but Worn Out design is working some fucking wonders. Should be a shirt design by them at the show too.

Cover art is posted in the forum for the 2/18 show: http://returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=66238
[Jan 26,2010 10:19am - bornoffire ""]
Here are all the upcoming shows so far:

Kickoff Show!
Thursday February 4th
10:00 Phantom Glue (http://www.myspace.com/phantomglue)
11:00 Motherboar http://www.myspace.com/motherboar)

Thursday February 18th
10:00 Jack Burton vs. David Lo Pan (http://www.myspace.com/jbvdlp) "Exhibit A" EP Release Party!
11:00 Raw Radar War (http://www.myspace.com/septicyouthcommand)

Thursday March 4th
10:00 Whitey (http://www.myspace.com/whiteyrocks)
11:00 Blacktail (http://www.myspace.com/blacktail321) (Chris from Doomriders...first show back in a year)

Thursday March 18th
10:00 Rat Corpse (Ex Defcon 4) (http://www.myspace.com/ratcorpse)
11:00 Rampant Decay (http://www.myspace.com/rampantdecay)

Thursday April 1st
10:00 Sexcrement (http://www.myspace.com/sexcrement)
11:00 Hivesmasher (http://myspace.com/hivesmasher)

Thursday April April 15th
10:00 Soul Remnants (http://www.myspace.com/chopwork)
11:00 Frozen (http://www.myspace.com/frozenusa)

Thursday May 6th
10:00 To The Wolves (http://www.myspace.com/tothewolves)
11:00 Razormaze (http://www.myspace.com/razormazethrash)
[Feb 1,2010 12:10pm - bornoffire ""]
[Feb 2,2010 10:56am - bornoffire ""]
[Feb 4,2010 11:15am - bornoffire ""]

Tonight! Music/Movies start at 8:00, Phantom Glue at 10:00 and Motherboar at 11:00.
[Feb 4,2010 11:22am - ouchdrummer ""]
The signer to Boarcorpse had a night at The Squealing Pig in Mission hill called "Spin Kick Mondays" That was all metal music with kung fu being played over the projector. Horror works good, but kung fu worked wonders with our music. I'd highly recommend it.
[Feb 4,2010 11:41am - bornoffire ""]

Yeah I'm not going to ONLY play horror movies...Sci Fi, 80's Action flicks, Kung Fu etc etc...don't want it to get boring and stale...will need to change it up.
[Feb 4,2010 11:50am - aaron_michael ""]
kung-fu on the Sexcrement night would be appropriate.
[Feb 4,2010 11:56am - bornoffire ""]
Cool. Remind me as it gets closer.
[Feb 4,2010 12:49pm - ouchdrummer ""]
email sent.

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