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Blood Duster

[Apr 8,2004 2:12pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
By far one of the best grind bands ever. Just picked up the new self titled disc, and it fucking rules. Yeest, Straight outta Northcote, Cunt, Blood Duster, do yourself a favor and buy them all.
[Apr 8,2004 3:04pm - Dissector ""]
The only one I heard was Yeest. Its awesome.
[Apr 8,2004 3:45pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Staight Outta Northcote is like southern rock grind, Cunt is pretty much straight up grind, and Blood Duster is like AC/DC grind
[Apr 8,2004 3:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I think agoraphobic blows them away, but blood duster is great.
[Apr 8,2004 4:32pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Agoraphobic is good, but they use a drum machine.
[Apr 8,2004 4:35pm - intricateprocess ""]
the new blood duster is awesome. they are like the funniest fucking band
[Apr 8,2004 4:47pm - succubus ""]
must be talking about the drummer..
[Apr 8,2004 4:52pm - assuck ""]
[Apr 8,2004 5:02pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Carina please post pictures of the guitar player. Thank you
[Apr 8,2004 5:02pm - Maliceinleatherland ""]
haha Bloodduster are fun as hell.

Turn that shit up and fuck with my ear drums abit!
[Apr 8,2004 6:27pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
Maliceinleatherland said:haha Bloodduster are fun as hell.

Turn that shit up and fuck with my ear drums abit!

Albert is one of my all time favorite songs.

[Apr 8,2004 6:30pm - Maliceinleatherland ""]
rock like a hurricane mutha fucka!
[Apr 8,2004 10:29pm - succubus ""]
MarkKevorkian said:Carina please post pictures of the guitar player. Thank you

she especially likes me
here are a few





[Apr 8,2004 10:32pm - Dissector ""]
assuck said:ilovewhenjoepesciswears

I love that song!!

And ANb would be 1243247 times better if they didn't use a drum machine. They're still my favorite band that does though.
[Apr 9,2004 12:11pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
And I especially like her. Plays like Slash and looks like heaven.

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