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Drummer needed for Nachzehrer!

[Dec 2,2009 12:23am - alexc ""]
Nachzehrer is the collaboration of four dudes, one of which is myself and another being un: czarnobog. Our influences include, arckanum, nifelheim, sodom etc. Recently we've had a stroke of bad luck with our drumming situation. Currently we have Alex from 26 Beers filling in on drums for us, but we need someone who wants to commit permanently. we practice twice a week, typically on fridays and sundays and we ask that you have your own equipment (to try out you wont need it though). those are really about the only requirements. we just want you to come and blast for us. if you're interested, PM me and ill link you to our horrific sounding demo, to give you some idea of what we're going for. THX!

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