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like black metal? like thrash? YOU PLAY DRUMS?

[Dec 2,2009 12:28am - Czarnobóg ""]
hi, we're NACHZEHRER and we're having the worst fucking luck with drummers. First one didn't work out (nothing personal, just wasn't working) and the guy we got to replace him just completely flaked on us. We got a temporary fill-in for an upcoming show, but definitely in the market for someone permanent.

about us: we play a mix of straight up black metal (think old gorgoroth, dark funeral, darkthrone) with a lot of thrash influence (sodom, abigail, venom, etc). i dunno, probably more in the vein of nifelheim then anything else. we're new, but got people from other somewhat established local metal bands. we're motivated, got some connections for shows and potential labels and don't plan to sit on our ass with this band.

no recordings up yet, but here's our myspace page:


what we're looking for: a drummer with a decent blast/double kick, solid timing and commitment (ie, practice twice a week, play shows 1-2 times a month, plan to record, occassional touring, sharing costs, etc).

if anyone is interested let me know.

[Dec 2,2009 12:29am - Czarnobóg ""]
oops, looks like alex beat me to it. where's the 'delete thread' button on this thing?
[Dec 2,2009 12:37am - boblovesmusic ""]
I like black metal
I like thrash
but I don't play drums... sorry

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