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ATTN: Revocation

[Dec 22,2009 10:46pm - Archaeon ""]
Do you guys need a place to stay when you play in Nashville in February? I've got a lovely dorm room, shower and a kid on my floor who wants to suck all your dicks.
[Dec 22,2009 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
are they fat?
[Dec 22,2009 10:48pm - Archaeon ""]
[Dec 22,2009 11:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
pink strats?
[Dec 22,2009 11:04pm - Archaeon ""]
SO many.
[Dec 23,2009 2:01pm - Archaeon ""]
[Dec 23,2009 2:05pm - narkybark ""]
pillow fights!
[Dec 23,2009 2:09pm - reimroc ""]
oooooh they should jump on this for the chance to play candyland all night while discussing which member of fall out boy is the cutest.
[Dec 23,2009 2:15pm - Archaeon ""]
There's no discussion, everyone knows its Pete Wentz.
[Dec 23,2009 2:15pm - Martins NLI  ""]
I'm totally down for a couple of games of candyland with those fine dudes.
[Dec 23,2009 2:32pm - Paul Reubens  ""]
You guys wanna join me down at the theater? I promise I will play it safe this time.
[Dec 23,2009 5:12pm - Revocation ""]
thanks for the offer! Obviously its kinda hard to tell at this point but yeah, most likely we'll need a place to crash. If you plan on coming to the show we can shoot the shit and figure it out from there.
[Dec 23,2009 5:12pm - revo  ""]
Hey dude sounds good email us your number or just come to the show and talk to us. revocationband AT gmail DOT com
[Dec 23,2009 5:13pm - revo  ""]
uhh that was weird timing
[Dec 24,2009 12:34pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
ATTN: Revocation:

I finally bought your new album the other day after being away for a few months and I just have to say, it's fucking heavy, heavy, heavy and it's going in my albums of the year list.
[Dec 24,2009 12:42pm - timma ""]

MillenialKingdom said:ATTN: Revocation:

I finally bought your new album the other day after being away for a few months and I just have to say, it's fucking heavy, heavy, heavy and it's going in my albums of the year list.

[Dec 24,2009 1:06pm - Archaeon ""]
[Dec 24,2009 1:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
come on tell me who are youuu

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