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Metal CD packaging now quotes metal archives??

[Jan 20,2010 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
My friend sent me a picture of Kvist's release being in a newbury comics. I think it has been rereleased now, but I noticed there was a quote from a metal archives review on the packaging. What the fuck is that shit?
Does that really dictate how good an album is? Who the fuck thinks a 17 year old's opinion on a metal album is worth sticking on an album packge? Who the fuck think it's justified enough to throw it on the album when there's more qualified writers/critics out there?
Am I the only one that cares about this and thinks it's retarded khed? Does this thread have too many questions?
[Jan 20,2010 1:01pm - thesac ""]
metal is stupid
[Jan 20,2010 1:05pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahahahahaha, that's goofy
[Jan 20,2010 1:06pm - Sacreligion ""]
I totally misread this at first and thought you meant there was a sticker on the case saying "Metal-archives approves this album art" or something. While not quite as stupid as that, the actual circumstance is still pretty stupid.
[Jan 20,2010 1:09pm - martins ""]
No one is qualified to tell you what's good and what isn't. That being said, Metal Archives reviews have always been lolzy. I wrote one once. I was a silly naive boy then.

inb4 I am a silly naive boy
[Jan 20,2010 1:15pm - blessed offal  ""]
yes, thats stupid. but no, i dont care. like the sac says, metal is stupid.
[Jan 20,2010 1:22pm - reimroc ""]
I really don't care what other people consider metal or good metal. If I like it, I like it and if it fits into the genre that is metal I will call it that.

Everyone on the metal archives guaranteed is a hipster IRL.
[Jan 20,2010 1:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
True. I read most reviews to get a laugh or a general observance of what to expect. There's been plenty of negtive reviews I've disagreed with.

That being said, I still think this notion is a slap in the face to music writers, and people like Conservationist and anus.com. And with Kvist, it's a kvlt album so you know the best place to quote is metal archives. I'm assuming the decision was made by the label that rereleased it? Angry hate mail time.
[Jan 20,2010 1:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 20,2010 1:36pm - ark  ""]
that's really lame.
like sticking

"Best album ever." - RTTP.com forums

on your cd.
[Jan 20,2010 1:39pm - ark  ""]
the one who made that sticker should lose his internet privileges FOREVER
[Jan 20,2010 1:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'll upload
[Jan 20,2010 1:45pm - xmikex ""]
The next opeth should be covered in RTTP quote stickers
[Jan 20,2010 1:51pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:The next opeth should be covered in RTTP quote stickers

"this album is gayer than rainbows and macs"- conservANUSist
[Jan 20,2010 1:54pm - arilliusbm ""]

I'm guessing it was a review. Doesn't say, just quotes "metal archives"
and it's peaceville haha
[Jan 20,2010 1:56pm - dreadkill ""]

dreadkill said:
xmikex said:The next opeth should be covered in RTTP quote stickers

"this album is gayer than rainbows and macs"- conservANUSist

"this album is your soundtrack for those long nights of masturbating to the thought of getting AIDS from the marvelous pecker of steve jobs. AIDS, the only virus you'll get as a mac user."
[Jan 20,2010 1:58pm - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

I'm guessing it was a review. Doesn't say, just quotes "metal archives"
and it's peaceville haha

peaceville you say?

sticker on new katatonia:

"this sucks" - metal archives review from MikeOvDecrepitude
[Jan 20,2010 2:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ark said:that's really lame.
like sticking

"Best album ever." - RTTP.com forums

on your cd.

So when are gonna have those printed?
[Jan 20,2010 2:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
Does that image work? Couldn't get the direct link for some reason.
[Jan 20,2010 2:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
Graveside is in newbs. I saw a sticker that said "I used to be in this band but they are terrible and horrible now" - McGunk
[Jan 20,2010 2:13pm - STLUCI ""]

arilliusbm said:My friend sent me a picture of Kvist's release being in a newbury comics. I think it has been rereleased now, but I noticed there was a quote from a metal archives review on the packaging. What the fuck is that shit?
Does that really dictate how good an album is? Who the fuck thinks a 17 year old's opinion on a metal album is worth sticking on an album packge? Who the fuck think it's justified enough to throw it on the album when there's more qualified writers/critics out there?
Am I the only one that cares about this and thinks it's retarded khed? Does this thread have too many questions?

i hope metal archives' opinions don't matter , our first cd had 0 % rating for awhile . we have since managed to pull it up to 60 % , yeah that a D . still passing .
[Jan 20,2010 2:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Didn't mcgunk review it at 0%??
[Jan 20,2010 3:22pm - reimroc ""]

ark said:that's really lame.
like sticking

"Best album ever." - RTTP.com forums

on your cd.

Totally different. This place and us users are the final boss of the music world and our opinion is the LAW.
[Jan 20,2010 5:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I'm gonna put a stickr on my bands next release:

" we kick ass!" - one of the band members
[Jan 20,2010 5:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 20,2010 7:45pm - ArilliusBM ""]
[Jan 20,2010 7:46pm - boblovesmusic ""]
haha, that review isn't even on the site!
[Jan 20,2010 8:14pm - reimroc ""]
Well metal obviously means metal. Archives, I would believe he is using the term to mean something large, or extravagant in size. So it appears he was just talking out of his his giant metal asshole.
[Jan 20,2010 8:15pm - ArilliusBM ""]
then it must be from the forums. even worse.

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