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**Feb. 19th MAST~NATURE/NURTURE~THE BROTHER KITE @ New Wave Cafe in New Bedford**

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Jan 26,2010 10:28pm - Murph ""]




...probably not a show that'll attract much from these parts, but hey, it's super cool to us
[Jan 27,2010 12:08pm - brian_dc ""]
we're the only people who matter anyhow
[Feb 14,2010 11:41pm - Murph ""]
This show is really gonna be awesome. Both of the other bands are seriously terrific.
[Feb 14,2010 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
mast is still a band?
[Feb 15,2010 3:07am - blue ""]
mast needs to actually play in the boston area.
[Feb 15,2010 3:48am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 15,2010 5:10pm - brian_dc ""]

the_reverend said:mast is still a band?

The rumours of our death have been greatly exaggerated.
[Feb 15,2010 6:16pm - Murph ""]
"When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much."
[Feb 16,2010 12:52am - pam ""]
I think I'm going to this.
[Feb 16,2010 3:17am - RichHorror ""]
NWC is for n00bs. Thank fuck it's gone soon.
[Feb 16,2010 9:35am - brian_dc ""]

blue said:mast needs to actually play in the boston area.

Boston? Is that like, South Providence?

RichHorror said:NWC is for n00bs. Thank fuck it's gone soon.

I've never been. Color me nubian.

pam said:I think I'm going to this.

[Feb 18,2010 9:06am - brian_dc ""]
Mast's first show since recording. Come watch us struggle without the loving arms of pro tools
[Feb 18,2010 11:26am - pam ""]
I am definitely going to this. Brian, are you on first? What time? I have to wait for my friends to leave so I might be late.
[Feb 18,2010 11:34am - brian_dc ""]
We think the order is going to be Mast, Brother Kite, Nature/Nurture.

Show starts at 9, but from what my buddy in N/N says, we'll probably start at 9:30 earliest.
[Feb 18,2010 4:46pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 18,2010 11:55pm - Murph ""]
tomorrow night. this show gives me full, fledgling broners.
[Feb 19,2010 3:55pm - brian_dc ""]
Did you hear that? My shoulder just cracked.
[Feb 19,2010 5:20pm - pam ""]

brian_dc said:We think the order is going to be Mast, Brother Kite, Nature/Nurture.

Show starts at 9, but from what my buddy in N/N says, we'll probably start at 9:30 earliest.

Which one of them do you know? That's who I was going to see.
I will be there in time to catch you, the friend I had to wait for came up early. You'll be lucky to go on by 9:30
[Feb 19,2010 6:57pm - Slymo ""]
im going to try and make it down there dudes
[Feb 20,2010 3:00am - brian_dc ""]

pam said:
brian_dc said:We think the order is going to be Mast, Brother Kite, Nature/Nurture.

Show starts at 9, but from what my buddy in N/N says, we'll probably start at 9:30 earliest.

Which one of them do you know? That's who I was going to see.
I will be there in time to catch you, the friend I had to wait for came up early. You'll be lucky to go on by 9:30

N/N and Mast are pretty gay together. I know them all well, but Jesse lives 2 blocks away from me in Providence.

I didn't see you there. Did you make it out?

I loved this lineup and actually thought that New Wave was pretty good. The sound guy was cool, the staff was helpful.
[Feb 20,2010 3:16am - Murph ""]
This show involved tons of male-gratification and jagerbombs.
[Feb 20,2010 4:31pm - pam ""]
I was there! I had a black and white skirt on, knit hat, black top, knee-high boots. I drank everything that wouldn't bite me and am paying for it now. It was fun! Brother Kite wasn't really my thing but I enjoyed Mast and NN.
[Feb 20,2010 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]

pam said:I was there! I had a black and white skirt on, knit hat, black top, knee-high boots. I drank everything that wouldn't bite me and am paying for it now. It was fun! Brother Kite wasn't really my thing but I enjoyed Mast and NN.

[Feb 20,2010 10:30pm - brian_dc ""]
For what it's worth, that's the image I have of everyone who lives in New Bedford.

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