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Awesome Band: Stack

[Feb 18,2010 7:27pm - Lamp ""]

If you are into things of the European powerviolence variety.
[Feb 18,2010 7:36pm - Obvious Troll is Obvious  ""]
Is Lamp a troll? Does anyone actually know this kid? He is a troll. Made up.
[Feb 18,2010 7:37pm - Reaganomics!  ""]

[Feb 18,2010 7:38pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
Lamp is an actual RTTP'er...and yes Stack is pretty awesome.
I've played Germany with them many times...
[Feb 18,2010 7:42pm - Lamp ""]
When you live in Rhode Island south of Providence, nobody truly knows who you are.

PS: Yes I have met a few people on here in person anyway.

PPS: I also tend to be a shut in and have different taste in music than the majority of people here leading to me not knowing many people here.
[Feb 19,2010 10:32am - demondave ""]

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