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SEVEN new interview

[Apr 17,2004 9:48am - theundergroundscene ""]
Because an informed Rev is a happy Rev.

40 Below Summer - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=129

Beloved - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=130

Haste The Day - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=128

Himsa - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=132

Opeth - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=127

The Bled - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=126

Underoath #2 - http://theundergroundscene.net/interviews.php?op=view&artid=131

Got Satyricon tonight and Red Tape, Machine Head and Zao coming up over the next two weeks. Possibly Diecast and Murder By Death as well. Supposed to interview Alexisonfire last night but they cancelled their show and supposed to interview Coheed and Cambria two nights ago but timing didn't work out (it was the last night of the tour). As for pictures, well, everything in our photo gallery is going. Deleting almost everything and starting over. We're 250% over our limit and to be honest, a lot of the ones I took at the begining were very average. Now that I feel like I have improved my photography skills, we're going to build up a new arsenal of pictures. So when the old gallery is cleaned out, a new one with 25 shows worth of pictures will go up (as in I have pictures from 25 shows sitting here waiting to go up hahaha). Word.

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