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ATTN: slar samuelson

[Mar 23,2010 1:06am - blue ""]
Read the text I sent you and respond.
[Mar 23,2010 1:37am - slar you going to slarborough fair?  ""]
i recieved no such text...
whats up?
[Mar 23,2010 2:12am - blue ""]
I want you guys to play a show june 26 at mos eisley with intheshit, rampant decay, living void and hivesmasher. Do you have a new number? I have the one you gave me a couple months ago.
[Mar 23,2010 6:47am - SkinSandwich ""]
Make it happen bitches.
[Mar 23,2010 9:09am - slar you going to slarborough fair?  ""]
which "guys" are you refering to, i roll with a few different crews son,
[Mar 23,2010 10:14am - RichHorror ""]
He obviously wants DGM to play an all grind show you fucking genius.
[Mar 23,2010 10:16am - arilliusbm ""]
can fecal matter get on this?
[Mar 23,2010 10:24am - RichHorror ""]
Should I take this thread as a sign you do not want me to try and get in touch with Scapegoat after all?
[Mar 23,2010 10:35am - SkinSandwich ""]
[Mar 23,2010 10:37am - ancient master  ""]
no hes talking about WORMHOLE marcus
[Mar 23,2010 10:44am - ancient master  ""]
[Mar 23,2010 11:02am - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Slar is in...7 bands.
[Mar 23,2010 11:10am - blue ""]

RichHorror said:He obviously wants DGM to play an all grind show you fucking genius.

i know really. PB obv. andrew, you guys down?
[Mar 23,2010 11:10am - blue ""]

RichHorror said:Should I take this thread as a sign you do not want me to try and get in touch with Scapegoat after all?

yeah dont worry bout it.
[Mar 23,2010 11:37am - AndrewBastard, $Version=1  ""]
Blue, I'll talk to the rest of the bastards ASAP and get back to you...
[Mar 23,2010 2:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Wait, ITS is playing this after all?
[Mar 23,2010 2:28pm - blue ""]
yeah, they decided to comply with the whole being on my awesome show.
[Mar 23,2010 2:30pm - sir coughsalot  ""]

SkinSandwich said:[img]

that one on the left looks like flava flav
[Mar 23,2010 2:31pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Slar was mentioned in Coneheads. Or the phase named after him.
[Mar 23,2010 2:32pm - RichHorror ""]
cool story bro
[Mar 23,2010 2:45pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
[Mar 23,2010 2:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

SkinSandwich said:[img]

[Mar 23,2010 2:59pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Mar 25,2010 1:10pm - Czarnobog ""]

RichHorror said:He obviously wants DGM to play an all grind show you fucking genius.

i got a show for DGM if you guys want it. check your myspace.
[Mar 25,2010 2:43pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
Isn't DA more grind than PB? What are we chopped liver? Legitimatley try and get us a show once and a while Marcus, that would be awesome.
[Mar 25,2010 2:47pm - slzarnobog  ""]
@ blue, its looking like no for pb as we are taking a break from shows to write songs, deathamphetamine would do it if youre into that sort of thing

@bhunsdorfer, this picture is amazing,
but whats gaspsuffocate and why wont it play?

@ czar, thanks dude ill let you know about that asap
[Mar 25,2010 2:48pm - slzarnobog  ""]

s.axl.beckett said:Isn't DA more grind than PB? What are we chopped liver? Legitimatley try and get us a show once and a while Marcus, that would be awesome.

i was actually talking to blue about that last night, dick.
[Mar 25,2010 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Every band that doesn't have the guy from Wrecking Crew in it is chopped liver. Except for L I V V E R.
[Mar 25,2010 3:21pm - slzarnobog  ""]
yea that ones more like robin goodhues indestructible liver of doom
[Mar 25,2010 3:21pm - RichHorror ""]
You mean L I V V E R of doom, duhface.

DA would be the dope shit for this. HiveSmasher is a headline-worthy band. DO IT DOUG.
[Mar 25,2010 3:23pm - slarmy of slarkness  ""]
my nuts are the size of ball bearings you faggots
[Mar 25,2010 3:24pm - RichHorror ""]
I heard you've had more sex than anyone in this thread combined.
[Mar 25,2010 3:52pm - slzarnobog  ""]
how dare you impugn my virtue and chastity you terrorist fuck
[Mar 25,2010 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
Only people not in Hellwolf are terrorists.
[Mar 25,2010 4:50pm - its my slarty & i'll cry if i want to  ""]
chiodos is in a gay bath house in china town
[Mar 25,2010 4:55pm - brian_dc ""]

RichHorror said:I heard you've had more sex than anyone in this thread combined.

I once received a late night phone call from a concerned friend regarding someone in this thread having public sex outside of her apartment.

[Mar 26,2010 7:36pm - slzarnobog  ""]
[Mar 29,2010 2:29pm - s.axl.beckett  ""]
woops I made somebody angry on the internet again.
[Mar 29,2010 3:27pm - the sanguine slarticle  ""]
i have no idea what the fuck i am doing! when the fuck am i going to learn?
[Mar 29,2010 3:38pm - DEMOCRACY CENTER  ""]

s.axl.beckett said:woops I whined like a bitch on the internet again.
[Mar 29,2010 4:08pm - david silveria  ""]
just ditch the shit head drummer s.axl.beckett you will be better off
[Mar 29,2010 4:15pm - slzarnobog  ""]

david%20silveria said:just ditch the shit head drummer s.axl.beckett you will be better off

i agree, its time to give cristian the boot
[Mar 29,2010 4:19pm - the Slarder they come..  ""]
The problem lies in drug abuse, drug sales, cerebral palsy, ADD, parkinson's syndrome,poppycock,butthurt,obvious jewish behavior,lack of choreographed jumps and general malaise.
[Mar 29,2010 4:20pm - Brian ''Head'' Welch  ""]
Jesus loves ALL of you. Let us pray.
[Mar 29,2010 4:22pm - ancient master  ""]
charlatains, all of them god damn charlatains
[Mar 29,2010 4:22pm - C.DEaD  ""]

david%20silveria said:just ditch the shit head drummer s.axl.beckett you will be better off

[Mar 29,2010 4:23pm - C.DEaD  ""]
[Mar 29,2010 4:34pm - KickSlart My Heart  ""]
[Mar 29,2010 4:50pm - slard to handle  ""]
[Mar 29,2010 4:53pm - C.DEaD  ""]
[Mar 29,2010 5:47pm - pleasure corpse  ""]
lol @ its my slarty & i'll cry if i want to
[Mar 29,2010 5:50pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
can 2 guys reall have sex like that? I guess they can...Rob ins dick must be pointing right at his own face hahah
[Mar 29,2010 5:50pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Haha, oh man. That Batman picture is so over the top.
[Mar 29,2010 5:59pm - c.DeAd  ""]
Gay missionary FTW
[Mar 29,2010 6:04pm - blessed offal  ""]
its only gay if you make eye contact
[Mar 31,2010 1:24am - slarchetype  ""]

the%20sanguine%20slarticle said:i have no idea what the fuck i am doing! when the fuck am i going to learn?

not me. but he does a very convincing impression
[Mar 31,2010 2:17am - W3 nli  ""]
so whats up with this show now anyways
[Mar 31,2010 7:18pm - blue ""]
Alright deathamphetamine is on this too cus I'm sick of waiting for scapegoat to get back to me.
[Jun 22,2010 11:24pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]

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