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[4.10.10] Sauriel, Smite The Righteous, Children Of The Dying Sun, Possessed Entity, Relegation [21+ Accu Billiards New Bedford]

[show listing]  _____________________________
[Mar 23,2010 6:27pm - pam ""]
April 10th, 2010

Sauriel’s (ex The Accursed, ex Withered Sun, ex Inflicted) First show.
WITH Smite The Righteous
Children Of The Dying Sun
Possessed Entity
Accu Billiards
New Bedford, MA

Flyer coming.
[Mar 23,2010 6:28pm - thedeathdealer ""]
thanks Pam!
[Mar 23,2010 6:33pm - pam ""]
you're welcome.
[Mar 31,2010 12:56pm - kilgore ""]
i thought composted was on this.
[Apr 7,2010 5:07pm - thedeathdealer ""]
[Apr 9,2010 12:26pm - DaveMaggot  ""]
[Apr 9,2010 12:47pm - kilgore ""]
[Apr 9,2010 5:51pm - RichHorror ""]
I believe most of IWEIPH will be at this, ruining everyone's good time.
[Apr 10,2010 3:24pm - BeorhtDana  ""]
Price and time?
[Apr 10,2010 3:34pm - RichHorror ""]
I think all the shows there are $5, everything I've seen online says 8 pm.
[Apr 10,2010 5:37pm - RichHorror ""]
This starts at 9, apparently.

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