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[show listing]  __________________________________
[Apr 6,2010 8:51pm - Czarnobog ""]
Sunday, April 18th
4pm. all ages matinee.

(moose-god worshipping black metal from the cold reaches of vermont)

(crusty bolt thrower-style death metal)

(black thrash ritual)

(primitive black/doom... featuring members of witch tomb and psycho)

@ Midway Cafe
3496 Washington St.
Jamaica Plain, MA

[Apr 6,2010 11:06pm - boblovesmusic ""]
this and then O'Briens = awesome!
[Apr 6,2010 11:20pm - boblovesmusic ""]
also I was wondering what was going on with Blood Of The Gods. Haven't heard from them in a little while!
[Apr 7,2010 1:43am - Alx_Casket ""]
how much is this?
[Apr 7,2010 9:00am - Czarnobog ""]
probably $7
[Apr 7,2010 12:29pm - mutis ""]
Looking forward to playing this one...
[Apr 7,2010 12:44pm - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 7,2010 6:00pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Haven't played out in a long time.....really looking forward to this!
[Apr 7,2010 11:00pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
That Blood of the Gods band seems interesting...
[Apr 9,2010 11:12am - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 10,2010 12:22pm - nekronaut ""]
[Apr 12,2010 11:16am - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 14,2010 9:45am - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 14,2010 9:47am - mutis  ""]
The image in that flyer has a striking resemblance to the moose-god, Mozym.
[Apr 14,2010 10:00am - Czarnobog ""]

mutis said:The image in that flyer has a striking resemblance to the moose-god, Mozym.

i was running with that theme. its actually some arty drawing of the celt forest god cernunnos. thought it worked good for this show flyer.
[Apr 16,2010 12:27pm - mutis  ""]
This show will be the official release of some new Nåthruzym recordings.
[Apr 16,2010 7:28pm - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 17,2010 12:51pm - Czarnobog ""]
[Apr 17,2010 12:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

AndrewBastard said:That Blood of the Gods band seems interesting...

actually they're pretty fucking awesome.
[Apr 17,2010 11:05pm - mutis ""]
Looking forward to checking them out, too.
[Apr 18,2010 10:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
will be checking this out!
[Apr 18,2010 12:31pm - Czarnobog ""]
last bump.
[Apr 18,2010 12:34pm - boblovesmusic ""]
nope this is the last bump!
[Apr 18,2010 10:13pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
This was an amazing show. This was as close to a real Bone Ritual gig you can get without the candles. All the other bands were great too......regret missing Nathruzym.....
[Apr 18,2010 10:13pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
sort of.....spicy peking dumplings
[Apr 19,2010 9:10am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
Missed this, slept instead :(
[Apr 19,2010 9:39am - mutis  ""]
This show ruled. All the bands were really good even though the PA was kinda fucked for most of the show. Also, someone broke my femur (bones don't make good drumsticks, guyz). I'm thinking of making a morning star mace with the shards.
[Apr 19,2010 12:05pm - Czarnobog ""]
thanx everyone who came out on a sunday afternoon (after a weekend full of shows). awesome show, all the bands ruled. i was talking to the dude from the midway afterwards and he said they're expanding into the space next door at the end of the month and upping their capacity to 100. hopefully getting a better sound system too. cool.
[Apr 19,2010 12:26pm - RichHorror ""]
How do you book your shows there? Do you just walk over and ask for a day in person or does he have an e-mail?
[Apr 19,2010 12:40pm - Czarnobog ""]
either by myspace or i just call that guy dave who runs the place. i can give you his number if you want it.
[Apr 19,2010 3:38pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
wow, that news is awesome...I hated the midway because it was so small.
[Apr 19,2010 3:48pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i actually loved the midway because it was so small, i like those types of venues, aside from the fact that loading and storing gear sucks
[Apr 19,2010 4:37pm - nekronaut ""]
Definitely a fun show, thanks again for everybody that came out.. Looking forward to the Midway expansion next month for sure
[Apr 19,2010 4:45pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Cool news about the expansion. I asked the girl at the door about how to book shows and she told me to go through the myspace.
[Apr 19,2010 4:47pm - Czarnobog ""]
i like the small dingy bar feel of the place, but as it is you can't really book anything more then small locals-only type shows (and even then sometimes people get turned away at the door).
[Apr 19,2010 5:38pm - mutis ""]
I had a fun time there and didn't mind that it was small. Though up here in Vermont, we only have a population of about 13, so playing bigger venues kinda sucks because the crowd is always so small in relation to the room. So I naturally prefer a cramped basement or bar.

Also, looking forward to playing Midway again.
[Apr 19,2010 9:14pm - Czarnobog ""]
listening to the nathruzym cd now. so fuckin good.
[Apr 20,2010 12:31am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
rich if you need it i got dave from midways number khed
[Apr 20,2010 12:32am - RichHorror ""]
Not for that show, I don't wanna do a matinee and I think otherwise Midway shows are 21+. Just wanted the info for the future.
[Apr 20,2010 12:40am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yuh, just sayin dawg i got shit if you need it
[Apr 20,2010 12:41am - RichHorror ""]
Why would I need it, I already have you and plenty other people to call up when I'm drinking 40s.
[Apr 20,2010 1:02am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sir have you met Miss Hendricks.

[Apr 20,2010 11:21am - RichHorror ""]
Dude, I wasn't even near her house that night. You and 5-0 need to chill with the accusations.
[Apr 20,2010 11:54am - boblovesmusic ""]

RichHorror said:How do you book your shows there? Do you just walk over and ask for a day in person or does he have an e-mail?

wait didn't you book tonight's show there?
[Apr 20,2010 11:57am - RichHorror ""]
I book there now through a channel that is usually only good for weekday shows, and most of Mark's shows there are on weekends.
[Apr 20,2010 12:09pm - Czarnobog ""]
my show booking experiences there usually go something like this: me stumbling home drunk at like 2am (i live right down the street)... dave rolls up in his car and screams "GOATFUCKAH!!!" at me out his window and tells me to do another matinee show soon... i text him to see what he has available... he gets back to me sometime over the next week with random gibberish and open dates... then i just pick a saturday or sunday and start hitting bands to see who can play it.

i have pretty good luck with weekend dates because i usually do matinee shows and it doesn't seem like too many other people are taking advantage of that. probably more of a pain in the ass to nail down weekend nights, but with enough notice you shouldn't have too much of a problem.
[Apr 20,2010 12:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh yeah, most likely it'd be a matinee I'd want on a weekend. It's just that with the show in August, most of anyone that'd come out for those bands doesn't wake up from the night before until around 5 pm.
[Apr 20,2010 4:52pm - mutis  ""]
Actually the only reason 'Zym was able to play it was because it was a matinee.

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