5/22 LUCHOFEST!! w/ SIN ORDEN, A WARM GUN, LA VIRGIN DEL POZO, SCAPEGOAT, LIVING VOID & NACHZEHRER[views:1982][posts:5][show listing] ___________________________________ [Apr 20,2010 7:40pm - Czarnobog ""] Saturday, May 22nd, 7:30pm SIN ORDEN (chicago, il) A WARM GUN (baltimore, md) LA VIRGIN DEL POZO (puerto rico) SCAPEGOAT LIVING VOID NACHZEHRER @ Midway Cafe 3496 Washington St Jamaica Plain, MA |
_________________________________ [Apr 20,2010 7:44pm - RustyPS ""] I hope I'm around for this...A Warm Gun is pretty awesome |
______________________________ [Apr 20,2010 7:44pm - Lamp ""] Fuck yeah! Sin Orden, A Warm Gun, and Scapegoat. I'm there already. |
_________________________________________________ [Apr 21,2010 11:18am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] god van dammit. this is a good show. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 21,2010 11:19am - RichHorror ""] haha Lucho |
_______________________________ [Apr 29,2010 4:08pm - revo ""] Hey I'm gonna be on tour when this show happens, if LV is planning on playing without me that's totally cool but you may wanna re-check with Mike or Kurt. I can't remember whether this was confirmed a while ago or not |