DJing/listening party for the new Razormaze EP at the Model tonight! (Tues 4/27) FREE[views:2758][posts:2]_________________________________________ [Apr 27,2010 12:24pm - love_is_a_fist ""] @ The Model (7 North Beacon St. Allston, MA) I'll be starting around 11pm and going until 2am, playing metal and punk all night, and debuting the new Razormaze EP "Miseries" in there at some point. Come out for cheap beer and fun! 21+ FREE -Sam//Razormaze |
__________________________________________ [Apr 27,2010 5:51pm - Loveisafist nli ""] Top fuck rain |
_________________________________________ [Apr 27,2010 10:34pm - love_is_a_fist ""] so come out! |