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What the hell is "Tha Poll Page"?

[Apr 24,2004 8:21pm - theundergroundscene ""]
I check links from our referal section on the site (we get referals whenever someone clicks a link that says www.theundergroundscene.net) and I found this:


That's a nice set of twins but what the hell is that site? She totally gave us a link haha...
[Apr 24,2004 8:29pm - retzam ""]
That site hurts my face.
[Apr 24,2004 8:36pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
are those a bunch of naked ICP fans?
Someone get me a knife and some paper towels.
[Apr 24,2004 8:41pm - theundergroundscene ""]
That does look to be the case!!

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