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Ladies and Gentleman - I present to you ...The BONGUITAR!

[Jun 2,2010 5:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


[Jun 2,2010 5:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ok that pic didnt work... will fix shortly
[Jun 2,2010 5:30pm - SkinSandwich ""]
I'm sad.
[Jun 2,2010 5:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i have the photos in email form ...trying to upload to facebook so i can post the image. failing immensely
[Jun 2,2010 5:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 2,2010 6:09pm - the_reverend ""]
Nice sandals. Are they all inclusive?
[Jun 2,2010 7:12pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
†rvë s†ønër më†ål
[Jun 2,2010 8:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is officially my new favorite thing ever. hits like a dream too. just strung it up B thru b i'm gonna bring to the dooooom show on saturday to test drive it.
[Jun 3,2010 10:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sweet jamz
[Jun 3,2010 10:26am - arktouros ""]
[Jun 3,2010 10:31am - Yeti ""]
it really works which is the amazing part. i expected it to hit like most manufactured bongs, where you have to suck until your eardrums pop and even then you don't get much. so when i went to try it i started hitting it that way and got a nice hard smokey punch to the face.
[Jun 3,2010 10:53am - ShadowSD ""]
That may be the best thing ever.
[Jun 3,2010 10:58am - Eli_hhcb ""]
Want so bad
[Jun 3,2010 11:52am - goatcatalyst ""]
now this... this is impressive
[Jun 3,2010 11:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
this is why america will always be #1!

no, wait...
[Jun 3,2010 11:59am - FMP_user  ""]
Pot is for hippies, it's a nigger drug. Besides real black metal warriors like cocaine and heroin. \m/
[Jun 3,2010 12:02pm - goatcatalyst ""]

FMP_user said:Pot is for hippies, it's a nigger drug. Besides real black metal warriors lavish over joyous powders whilst boating in Turkey. \m/
[Jun 3,2010 12:10pm - FMP_user  ""]
Anyone know any good metal stores in Turkey? Especially war metal. \m/
[Jun 3,2010 12:11pm - pam ""]
I can't wait to see this shit in person.
[Jun 3,2010 12:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FMP_user said:Pot is for hippies, it's a nigger drug. Besides real black metal warriors like cocaine and heroin. \m/

4 out of 5 assassins disagree


[Jun 3,2010 12:30pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Hassassins in their whirling dervish of hash powered killing sprees. Pretty brutal
[Jun 3,2010 12:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jun 3,2010 12:45pm - goatcatalyst ""]

FMP_user said:Anyone know any good metal stores in Turkey? Especially war metal. \m/

War metal buy in Lebanon. Warkultfago munitions buy in Turkey.



Sometimes, do it wrong.
[Jun 3,2010 1:11pm - pam ""]
omg...I am totally knitting a gas mask.
[Jun 3,2010 3:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
haha, awesome
[Jun 4,2010 12:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

pam said:omg...I am totally knitting a gas mask.

[Feb 8,2011 4:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just dropped this off for a sweet paint job
[Feb 8,2011 4:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Get a painting of a van with a painting of the bonguitar on its side.
[Feb 8,2011 4:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
On the bonguitar.
[Feb 8,2011 4:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haha thats a possibility
[Feb 8,2011 4:15pm - the_reverend ""]
oh the embarrassing missing links!
[Feb 8,2011 4:16pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i will make sure it is on display and used properly at the 423Fest this year.
[Feb 8,2011 4:16pm - punk potenza  ""]

FMP_user said:Pot is for hippies, it's a nigger drug. Besides real black metal warriors like cocaine and heroin. \\m/

coke and skag is a diso fag drug or thats how i always saw it. OLNY HASH OIL IS REAL:nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke::nuke:
[Feb 8,2011 4:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
COMING SOON: The "Coke Flute" and "Heroin Harp"
[Feb 8,2011 7:34pm - amorok666 ""]
I believe a coke flute is just a rolled up 100 bill
[Feb 8,2011 8:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
such beautiful music

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