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Went shopping today...

[Jun 29,2010 5:42pm - eyehatehippies ""]
...like out in the real world, not the interwebz or eBay. It had been awhile. Wanted some new aviator glasses and wife beaters.

I got neither, but I came home with some salvia, a switchblade, and a Reign In Blood t-shirt I scored for cheap. Not sure when Northampton actually became a cool place to shop in once again.

Oh also, the new "women's clothing store" on Main Street? Ask them about the "men's section." You'll be pleasantly surprised.
[Jun 29,2010 6:56pm - Loose Shits Sink Lips  ""]

eyehatehippies said:Oh also, the new "women's clothing store" on Main Street? Ask them about the "men's section." You'll be pleasantly surprised.


[Jun 29,2010 7:14pm - the_reverend ""]
wishes. you should do some gardening on salvia.
[Jun 29,2010 7:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

eyehatehippies said:Not sure when Northampton actually became a cool place to shop in once again.

The used CD stores must have so much great shit.

[Jun 29,2010 7:37pm - Horror_Tang ""]
I went shopping today and saw Dwyer with merch table outside of the methadone clinic.
[Jun 29,2010 7:37pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I fucking love Northampton
[Jun 29,2010 7:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Switchblades are legal in NH now. Carry it proudly if you venture north.
[Jun 29,2010 10:20pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Its crazy people from this board live near me. I work right outside of noho. The old army navy store in noho was sweet.
[Jun 29,2010 10:36pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Horror_Tang said:I went shopping today and saw Dwyer with merch table outside of the methadone clinic.

why doesn't this suprise me? I can totally see this happening. Dude prolly asks Newbury Comics if he can set that shit up

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