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UFC 118: Couture vs. Toney. What are your picks?

[Aug 28,2010 11:34am - immortal13 ""]
Couture, Penn, Florian, Maia, and Diaz all have my pick. Though I'm not a huge fan of Diaz and hope Davis can pull through and win it. I also hope Couture does what he does best and shows Toney that this ain't no boxing match.
[Aug 28,2010 11:48am - GUY ""]
[Aug 28,2010 11:51am - immortal13 ""]
I also hope Penn wins the title back. He should have one the first fight. Those judges were on crack or something.
[Aug 28,2010 2:33pm - Snli  ""]
While I think that Couture will win.. It would be awesome to see Toney get one lucky punch in and knock him the fuck out.

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