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10/9 -- Suicide Dream, Silent Mind, Hivesmasher, Parabellum, and more at The Outdoor Pavilion in Windham, CT --- Free Pepperoni, Sausage, Mushroom, Onion, Olive, and Garlic Pizzas, Free Hot Dogs, Free Parking, All Drinks $3 - $4

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Sep 19,2010 3:18pm - ShadowSD ""]
Saturday, October 9 at The Outdoor Pavilion in Windham, CT

Suicide Dream (Female-Fronted Thrash/Gothic/Power Metal)
Silent Mind (Stoner Instrumental Atmospheric/Progressive Metal)
Hivesmasher (Death Metal/Grindcore)
Parabellum (Hardcore/Death Metal/Metalcore)
Save The Day (Female-Fronted Metal With Hard Rock/Blues Influences)

All Ages/21+ to drink, 7 pm, Free Dinner Included: Fresh Oven-Baked Pizzas w/Various Toppings (Pepperoni, Sausage, Mushroom, Onion, Olive, Garlic) and Freshly Grilled Hot Dogs, Free Parking, All Alcoholic Drinks $3 - $4, $15 adv/$25 door

Located at 116 Club Road (Top of The Driveway), right after AT&T and across from the cemetery
[Sep 19,2010 11:53pm - i_am_not_me ""]
You couldn't have chopped out a topping or two from the title to fit the last band in?
[Sep 20,2010 8:32am - ShadowSD ""]
I suppose it's official now: PIZZA HAS RUINED THE SCENE
[Sep 20,2010 8:34am - ShadowSD ""]
Actually the truth is that the opening band was getting a lot of grief in the last rttp posting I put up because they have a very similar name to another band, and I didn't want to draw attention to that again in the title.
[Sep 20,2010 11:33am - i_am_not_me ""]
Fair enough.
[Sep 20,2010 2:10pm - ShadowSD ""]
I should also mention that this place is as herb friendly as Amsterdam, and anyone who attends will be smoked up as part of the price of admission.
[Sep 20,2010 5:43pm - ShadowSD ""]
Advance tickets can be purchased through bands only, contact us at shadowsd@snet.net for tickets.
[Sep 20,2010 8:51pm - ShadowSD ""]
I am so glad we get one more show at this place this year, this place is so much fucking fun, as anyone who has played or attended a show here will attest.
[Sep 20,2010 8:59pm - xanonymousx ""]
saves the day and hivesmasher hell yeah!
[Sep 22,2010 1:11pm - ShadowSD ""]
Sheetpan pizzas provided by Mama's Pizza, hot dogs grilled on-site by our drummer.
[Sep 22,2010 1:51pm - Windham CT Health Department  ""]
We will be making an inspection of the food preparation area and staff prior to the event. Your drummer will be required to shower and be fitted with a hair net before he is allowed to serve any hot dogs. All hot dogs must then be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees. Failure to comply will result in the event's immediate cancellation.
[Sep 22,2010 2:21pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Lols metal health inspector. Beef is 155 son
[Sep 22,2010 3:59pm - ShadowSD ""]
LOL at any inspectors, cops, or security at this place. Everyone is left the fuck alone, that's one of the nice parts about this venue (it's a rental of a private property from an association with lots of land, on a road with no residences and tons of clubs/halls/cemeteries/greens - the perfect place to have a show and toke freely without worrying about anyone giving you shit).

And our drummer makes some mean hot dogs, from which no one has yet to perish. I doubt putting on a hairnet would protect anyone from his dreads though, it would probably melt as if doused in acid.
[Sep 23,2010 8:06am - ShadowSD ""]
Although it would be quite the testament to how successful this site is if traffic were so high that random small town health inspectors were actually trolling the forums.
[Sep 23,2010 10:36am - Yeti ""]
Casey's dreads heal all ailments.
[Sep 23,2010 12:13pm - ShadowSD ""]
They also have the power to extend out like vines and strangle our enemies.
[Sep 23,2010 6:40pm - ShadowSD ""]
Makes them a great icebreaker at parties.
[Sep 27,2010 10:02am - ShadowSD ""]
Save The Day has changed singers, their new singer is a guy now.
[Sep 27,2010 12:16pm - aaron_michael ""]
I don't want to assume, but are we allowed to bring our own beverages to this?
[Sep 27,2010 12:33pm - josh_hates_you ""]

aaron_michael said:I don't want to assume, but are we allowed to bring our own burritos to this?
[Sep 27,2010 1:02pm - brodown ""]

aaron_michael said:I don't want to assume, but is it true that we are not required to bring our own weed to this?
[Sep 27,2010 4:05pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Sep 27,2010 6:49pm - ShadowSD ""]

aaron_michael said:I don't want to assume, but are we allowed to bring our own beverages to this?

Well there is a bar too, but for those who wish to bring their own beverages as long as you take your empties with you, it's actually no problem.
[Sep 28,2010 5:32pm - ShadowSD ""]

josh_hates_you said:
aaron_michael said:I don't want to assume, but are we allowed to bring our own burritos to this?

There will be a tariff on all burritos.
[Sep 29,2010 1:41pm - ShadowSD ""]
And a two fart minimum.
[Sep 29,2010 1:58pm - anonymous  ""]

ShadowSD said:They also have the power to extend out like vines and fondle our singers magnificent ass.
[Sep 30,2010 1:56pm - ShadowSD ""]

brodown said:
aaron_michael said:I don't want to assume, but is it true that we are not required to bring our own weed to this?

Absolutely 100% true. While there's certainly no rule against bringing more, there will be plenty for everyone, and all will be taken care of during our intermission.
[Oct 1,2010 4:16pm - brodown ""]
Who wants to hop on the Hivesmasher caravan for a trip to CT?!
[Oct 2,2010 9:13am - ShadowSD ""]
[Oct 2,2010 12:00pm - miguelsantiago  ""]
HOLY SHIT!???? Free hot dogs!!!!????? I'm there!
[Oct 3,2010 10:54am - ShadowSD ""]
Hey Rev, is there some way to determine height and width on images we post, if it was HTML I'd know how but everything here is slightly different.
[Oct 4,2010 3:32pm - brodown ""]
[Oct 5,2010 12:56pm - ShadowSD ""]
Our entire second set will be a tribute to Type O in the spirit of the season. Who doesn't want to bake out and listen to some Type O tunes?
[Oct 5,2010 2:24pm - t2daeek ""]

ShadowSD said:Our entire second set will be a tribute to Type O in the spirit of the season. Who doesn't want to bake out and listen to some Type O tunes?

i will drink a bottle of red wine to honor the dark lord. he would have wanted it so.
[Oct 5,2010 2:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Annoint the crowd with a bottle of sutter home cabernet, the STEELE would approve.
[Oct 6,2010 2:55pm - ShadowSD ""]
Time Slots:

Suicide Dream 9:45 - 11:45
Silent Mind 8:55 - 9:25
Hivesmasher 8:15 - 8:40
Parabellum 7:35 - 8:00
Save The Day 7:00 - 7:20
[Oct 7,2010 12:17pm - ShadowSD ""]

t2daeek said:
ShadowSD said:Our entire second set will be a tribute to Type O in the spirit of the season. Who doesn't want to bake out and listen to some Type O tunes?

i will drink a bottle of red wine to honor the dark lord. he would have wanted it so.

Indeed, he would have.
[Oct 8,2010 10:53am - brodown ""]
Tomorrow! This is gonna be fun shit.
[Oct 9,2010 8:29am - aaron_michael ""]
[Oct 10,2010 10:31am - aaron_michael ""]
"can I have a hot dog?"
"why not?"
"are they not ready?"
"what the fuck."

guardian of the dogs.
[Oct 11,2010 10:11am - ShadowSD ""]
Ha ha, such a perfectionist that fucker. Came out good though right?
[Oct 11,2010 10:34am - Yeti ""]
how did this go? wish i could have gone.
[Oct 11,2010 10:38am - aaron_michael ""]
that was me guarding the dogs. and by guarding the dogs I mean being too drunk to realize there were tongs to pick them up from the grill so I was standing there waiting for someone to show up to give me a dog.
[Oct 11,2010 1:51pm - ShadowSD ""]

Yeti said:how did this go? wish i could have gone.

A very good time, we had two fat joints of kb going around between our sets, this won't be the last time we do a set of Type O though... we are currently in the works of putting together a five to six date mini-tour of the Northeast this fall and winter where we do that double set (originals first then a full set of Type O), I'm already talking to Toad's in New Haven, Club Hell in Providence, and also putting together shows in Boston, Worcester, NH, and possibly a NY date as well. I'll be posting up a thread in the next couple weeks announcing it once I have all the info., any suggestions as to which venue we should settle on for our Worcester and Boston dates? Appreciate any suggestions.
[Oct 13,2010 9:09am - ShadowSD ""]
Also I want to thank Hivesmasher for coming all the way out, as well as Hayden from Save the Day, and the band Silent Mind who just sounded incredible in that place, I had never really known there was such a thing as stoner progressive metal until I heard of those guys, prog without pretention. We will definitely be playing more shows at this place next year.
[Oct 13,2010 10:58am - aaron_michael ""]
check out these guys http://www.myspace.com/irepress
think Silent Mind x10000
[Nov 6,2010 11:36pm - douchebag_patrol_2 ""]

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