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Brett Favre sending cock shots? It's more likely than you think

[Oct 7,2010 4:06pm - immortal13 ""]

Read and laugh. That bitch does have nice tits, however.
[Oct 7,2010 4:26pm - Spaldino  ""]
thanks to viagra, his dick can stay out of retirement too...
[Oct 7,2010 4:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
paging Mr Caruso...
[Oct 7,2010 4:37pm - _corpus_ganjulator  ""]
[Oct 7,2010 4:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
only Greg Oden's cock is real.
[Oct 7,2010 6:01pm - FrankovHell  ""]
Fake tits arn't real.
[Oct 7,2010 6:02pm - xmikex ""]
This broke a while ago.
[Oct 7,2010 6:49pm - _corpus_ganjulator  ""]

xmikex said:This broke a while ago.

Must be the pants.

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