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Morbid Angel - new album

[Oct 19,2010 12:38pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
dont know if this is old news but....
i guess theyre recording it right now withOUT Pete Sandoval on drums and WITH Dave Vincent singin. This should be interesting. hopefully not for tha worse.
Pete has a back injury so its only temporary. Tim Yeung (Hate Eternal) is playin drums on the album. kinda sux, Pete rules.
Eric Rutan is producing again. The only thing i didnt like about HERETIC was the production, so...meh.
I hope Dave sounds old school and not fag school.
The only one I trust now is Trey. His songs/riffs have always been sick.
These guys have been one of my favorites forever so...
lets see what happens. EatShit.

- - -definite top 5 best show ive been to = Morbid Angel,Skinless,Nile and Dehumanized @ the Met in Prov for $10 on the Formulas Fatal To The Flesh tour. anyone there?
[Oct 19,2010 12:45pm - arktouros ""]
Fuck the haters - HERETIC rules. Tim Yeung better step it up, that's all I'm saying.
[Oct 19,2010 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
looking forward to hearing.
[Oct 19,2010 12:59pm - arktouros ""]
I like my death metal to sound filthy and the frontman to have a plastic shirt.
[Oct 19,2010 1:01pm - Slag NLI  ""]

arktouros said:Fuck the haters - HERETIC rules. QUOTE]
[Oct 19,2010 1:11pm - Mark_R ""]
Heretic is a great album, there is no Morbid Angel album I don't like. Every year since 2005 I've been hoping and hoping it's the year.

I'm very disappointed that Pete won't be on the album. It doesn't matter if Tim plays parts exactly like Pete would - Pete is part of the heart and soul of Morbid. I survived 7 years without another album, if one more year would mean having Pete I could've held on.

But since they are going ahead with this I DO WANT! NOW! Also tour please.
[Oct 19,2010 1:25pm - goatcatabisk  ""]
I'm with Mark- if it's taken them this long to do another album (especially having David back), why not just wait another year+ to have Pete on it as well? Regardless, I'm still pleased that it's coming. I expect great things.
[Oct 19,2010 2:06pm - blue ""]
I'm actually glad Tim Yeung is on this, I love Pete on drums and everything but I think Tim will enhance this album with better drumming. Blasphemy, I know.
[Oct 19,2010 2:08pm - boxxy ""]
I like Tim's drumming, but it's hard for me to imagine him with MA. But that's all the more reason it might be awesome.
[Oct 19,2010 2:47pm - CColostomy  ""]
Approved. Biggest issue here will be David Vincent his henna hair dye and his plastic getup.
[Oct 19,2010 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
Tim Yeung is the new Tony Laureano, though not nearly as good. i don't think he is all that special, when i saw him with Vital Remains he was pretty average.
[Oct 19,2010 3:39pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
HERETIC was fukin sick. I was in a band(Terminal Logic) that was writing songs when Heretic just came out. I listened to it so much that our riffs/lyrics ended up soundin mainly influenced by it.

Ever read that long thing on the inside of the CD book? Major influence.
[Oct 19,2010 7:53pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

blue said:I'm actually glad Tim Yeung is on this, I love Pete on drums and everything but I think Tim will enhance this album with better drumming. Blasphemy, I know.

[Oct 19,2010 10:24pm - ark  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
blue said:I'm actually glad Tim Yeung is on this, I love Pete on drums and everything but I think Tim will enhance this album with better drumming. Blasphemy, I know.


ouch guys, that's a deep cut.
[Oct 19,2010 10:55pm - barbelo  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
blue said:I'm actually glad Tim Yeung is on this, I love Pete on drums and everything but I think Tim will enhance this album with better drumming. Blasphemy, I know.


insanity, Tim's great but Pete has an unmistakable aggressive style and feel that defines so much of MA's sound.

That much being said Tim is as good a replacement pick as they could have made - he'll sound awesome...But not like, or better than, the Commando!
[Oct 19,2010 11:10pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
i think it'll only add to MA's sound. Pete is awesome but when someone fills your shoes, even temporarily, it gives a band a kick in the ass. And considering how killer Heretic is, that should make the new album SIIIIIIIIICK
[Oct 20,2010 9:52am - ouchdrummer ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:i think it'll only add to MA's sound. Pete is awesome but when someone fills your shoes, even temporarily, it gives a band a kick in the ass. And considering how killer Heretic is, that should make the new album SIIIIIIIIICK

I think it will be awesome no matter who's playing on it. Do you guys really think they'd have someone fill in that isn't going to kill it? I'm sure they'll impress everyone.
[Oct 20,2010 9:53am - ouchdrummer ""]
(I mean, we ARE talking about Morbid Angel here. They've been doing it for HOW MANY records? That's what i thought, this record is still gonna be awesome.)
[Mar 3,2011 12:01am - BSV  ""]
[Mar 3,2011 1:52am - zyklon ""]
Too fucking long!
[Mar 3,2011 8:58am - AndrewBastard ""]
Petes style is so much more creative and signature than Tims...im a little concerned...
[Mar 3,2011 8:58am - AndrewBastard ""]
Tims a solid generic DM drummer...Pete has a style all his own.
[Mar 3,2011 9:10am - ark  ""]
[Mar 3,2011 6:29pm - zyklon ""]
Pete created the blast beat! It's fucking insulting to the fans they couldn't wait for Pete to recover
[Mar 3,2011 6:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Pete is a fucking alchemical metronome
[Mar 3,2011 6:41pm - zyklon ""]
Pete's first video after surgery

[Mar 3,2011 6:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ouchdrummer said:(I mean, we ARE talking about Morbid Angel here. They've been doing it for HOW MANY records?

Easy, just consult your standard Morbid Angel decoder:



(let's see, 6.. 7.. ) 8. Eight records they've been doing it for.

[Mar 3,2011 7:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm glad they invented the decoder, it was so much harder when you used to have the use the mnemonic. "Azagthoth Brought Cheese Dip, Erik Forgot Grapes - Here, Initial"
[Mar 3,2011 7:44pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
^superstar thread status^
[Mar 3,2011 11:09pm - autofellatio ""]
They said in a press release theres gonna be more electronic parts. And Erik Rutan should just stop producing records.
[Mar 3,2011 11:23pm - Death_Metal_Jim ""]

autofellatio said: Erik Rutan should just stop producing records.
[Mar 4,2011 9:11am - ark  ""]
more Trey electronics = good
Erik Rutan producing = bad....so sick of that clean death metal sound, just because he uses analog he thinks he can get away with it.
[Mar 4,2011 9:31am - goatcatalyst ""]
Amen about Rutan. Shit is sterile. Bring the filth back.
[Mar 4,2011 9:47am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, that last Hate Eternal was pretty bad -- when you can't produce a decent album for your own band, don't think you can do it for others.
[Mar 4,2011 10:37am - Yeti ""]
he did pretty well with Cannibal Corpse's last one, though i usually hate his production. Hate Eternal is a band i have zero interest in.
[Apr 8,2011 3:50pm - arktouros ""]

No, the new Morbid Angel full-length album isn’t just eagerly-awaited! Since they set, with their first four records, the kind of standard that 90% of the current death metal scene still works toward, simply put, ‘Ilud Divinum Insanus’ (due on June 6th) is like the second coming of Christ. Except with more blastbeats, guitar wizardry courtesy of Trey Azagthoth and, erm, an industrial vibe. And, trust us, it has a fair share of surprises along the way, which will sure test their long-term term fans' sense of loyalty. Terrorizer’s Olivier ‘Zoltar’ Badin was invited to sunny Marseille last weekend to meet the band's prodigal son David Vincent and have an sneak listen to the band’s new album and give us this exclusive track-by-track preview of a beast of an album. Controversy guaranteed.

1. 'Omni Potens (intro)'
A keyboard-based intro heralds the start of the eagerly-awaited new Morbid Angel album with a medieval twist that could have well been pulled from ‘Blessed Are The Sick”. Intended, says Vincent, to “set a dark and ominous mood” before the guitar kicks in. The first inkling of an industrial direction comes roaring out of the speakers, a preview of what’s coming next. For better for worst.

2. 'Too Extreme'
If few moments on ‘Ilud Divinum Insanus’ are bound to raise more than a few eyebrows, this is most of definitively one of them. Fusing extreme metal with weird robot riffing and a martial beat, à la Laibach, this is probably what Digby (Pearson, Earache boss) had in mind when releasing the ‘Hellspawn’ compilation back in 1998.

3. 'Existo Vulgore'
The first obvious Morbid Angel track. Fast and extreme, just the way we like. With a classic Trey Azagthoth solo too.

4. 'Blades Of Baal'
The first of two tracks that new guitarist Destructhor (ex-Zyklon) wrote. “This is one of the fastest on the record. I think (drummer and session member) Tim Yeung goes as fast as 260 BPM on that one,” says David. The video made available on YouTube last October of Tim in the studio was shot during the tracking of that song.

5. 'I’m Morbid'
Guess they didn't have Tom G Warrior in mind when thinking about that title track (R U Morbid anyone?)? But this is bound to be Wacken or Hellfest’s next official anthem. Built upon a spontaneous “Morbid! Morbid! Morbid” crowd chant, recorded during one of the band most recent European tours, its lyrics (“We stand invincible not just a dream/Straight from the underground/The gods are screaming”) are like a call to arms. If there was ever a successful ‘mainstream’ death metal song, this is it.

6. '10 More Dead'
Also composed by Destructhor and based on the same kind of sludgy crawling as 'Where The Slime Lives', Vincent describes this one as “another really heavy song with full-on seven-stringed guitar”. This even has a classic thrash break in the middle.

7. 'Destructos Vs. The Earth/Attack'
Back to the techno, or least Morbid Angel’s definition of it. Big beats and all, with some kind of childish backing vocals. An almost, wait for it, danceable tune, with sci-fi lyrics. No wonder EBM Norwegian superstars Combichrist have agreed to remix it for the B-side of the forthcoming ‘Nevermore’ 7”, to be released a month prior to the album.

8. 'Nevermore'
You probably know this one already, as the band have been playing it since summer 2008. Once again, classic Morbid Angel to the bone; fast and furious. The first track written for the album and the first one brought on the table by Azagthoth when the band decided to work on a new record.

9. 'Beauty Meets Beast'
Though this is another heavy monster, when asked if it is the band first openly sexual song (“Oh beautiful child/Come to me moist/I’m the great connoisseur”), Dave answers with a smile and says; “It’s about it time don’t you think?”.

9. 'Radikult'
The album’s sore thumb. Even if Dave says he was influenced by “Dutch hardcore techno, you know gabba” for this one and that in the end, “it’s just extreme music”, it’s hard to know what the Ancient Ones would think of such lyrics as “We’re banging hardcore radical/Maniacal and animal”. This sounds like an unreleased Genitorturers’ track, Dave’s old White Zombie-inspired band, where he played alongside his wife Gen. In the worst case, Marilyn Manson rip-off accusations will fly faster than body parts. If one track on ‘Ilud Divinum Insanus’ is most likely to crystallise the controversy, this is it.

10. 'Profundis – Mea Culpa'
Back to the 'ominous' synth-empowered symphonic vibe of the 'Omni Potens' intro, yet this time with über-weird guitar work by Trey and another martial tempo that all of a sudden switches into overdrive mode. A controversial way to end a controversial album? Definitely!

[Apr 8,2011 3:52pm - arktouros ""]
man...I like IDM a lot but, when I want to listen to IDM, I don't put on Morbid Angel.
[Apr 8,2011 3:54pm - Mark_R ""]
I really like the techno track that was on the Dark Tranquillity EP from 1996. While I don't expect this to sound similar to that, I do reasonably expect to like this too. And I still believe this is going to be a world-beater, even if the rest of the world doesn't.
[Apr 8,2011 4:02pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Makes me a bit nervous...but I'll still remain cautiously optimistic. About a few of the songs at least.
[Apr 8,2011 4:08pm - Slag nli  ""]
Leave my craft out of this, assholes
[Apr 8,2011 4:10pm - arktouros ""]
[Apr 8,2011 4:16pm - blue ""]

arktouros said:man...I like IDM a lot but, when I want to listen to IDM, I don't put on Morbid Angel.

and this is the exact reason why it took like 8 years for this album to come out. earache didnt want anything to do with it. which is hilarious if you recall the mid-late 90s when earache was signing that industrial/electro-core stuff and proclaiming that it was the next evolution of extreme music lulz
[Apr 8,2011 5:18pm - saxlbeckett  ""]

AndrewBastard said:Petes style is so much more creative and signature than Tims...im a little concerned...

Pete is good, but creative? That guy basically just plays the same mechanical sounding shit all the time now. He WAS more creative in the past, like with old Terrorizer and A-D morbid angel albums. While I do disagree, but that's just like my opinion man.
[Apr 8,2011 9:57pm - thirdknuckle ""]

zyklon said:Pete created the blast beat!

Blast beats on S.O.D. Speak English or Die 1985
[Apr 9,2011 6:50pm - conservationist ""]

arktouros said:
9. 'Beauty Meets Beast'
Though this is another heavy monster, when asked if it is the band first openly sexual song (“Oh beautiful child/Come to me moist/I’m the great connoisseur”), Dave answers with a smile and says; “It’s about it time don’t you think?”.

[Apr 9,2011 11:43pm - Pete Sandoffal  ""]
saxlbeckett said:
AndrewBastard said:Petes style is so much more creative and signature than Tims...im a little concerned...

Pete is good, but creative? That guy basically just plays the same mechanical sounding shit all the time now. He WAS more creative in the past, like with old Terrorizer and A-D morbid angel albums. While I do disagree, but that's just like my opinion man.

that's it, CHINATOWN
[Apr 10,2011 1:39pm - xmikex ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
ouchdrummer said:(I mean, we ARE talking about Morbid Angel here. They've been doing it for HOW MANY records?

Easy, just consult your standard Morbid Angel decoder:



(let's see, 6.. 7.. ) 8. Eight records they've been doing it for.

I got in an argument with a 12 year old kid at a record store in san francisco because I thought Blessed came before Altars. Then my friend hipped me to the MA decoder.
[Apr 19,2011 2:53am - i_am_not_me ""]

[Apr 19,2011 8:33am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i was about to post this, but i have been beaten to it. i like it. it sounds like Morbid Angel. good Morbid Angel.
[Apr 19,2011 9:11am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Sounds sterile and lame to me.
[Apr 19,2011 10:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
1. Electro Indus
2. Indus x2
3. Death Metal
4. Death Metal x2
5. Metal for pussies
6. Death Metal x3
7. Techno
8. Death Metal x4
9. Death Metal x5
10. Techno x2
11. Noise

so a max of 5 Death metal songs
[Apr 19,2011 10:37am - Yeti ""]
[Apr 19,2011 10:43am - demondave ""]

xmikex said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
ouchdrummer said:(I mean, we ARE talking about Morbid Angel here. They've been doing it for HOW MANY records?

Easy, just consult your standard Morbid Angel decoder:



(let's see, 6.. 7.. ) 8. Eight records they've been doing it for.

I got in an argument with a 12 year old kid at a record store in san francisco because I thought Blessed came before Altars. Then my friend hipped me to the MA decoder.

What about Abominations of Desolation?

[Apr 19,2011 10:57am - Mark_R ""]
The alphabet thing didn't start until C.
[Apr 19,2011 11:54am - i_am_not_me ""]
Abominations was supposed to come out before Altars, and when it was released it was technically done so as a demo compilation, so it doesn't really count.
[Apr 19,2011 1:21pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
This sounds like Morbid Angel trying to cover Morbid Angel. Those vocals are fucking terrible. I like Tim Yeung but his drumming is so bland on this song. That riff is also irritating.

Dammit, I was expecting so much out of this but this is utter fucking shit.
[Apr 19,2011 1:50pm - nebula13  ""]
Wow, still putting 'em out though, one a the few remaining of the good old days of DM
[Apr 19,2011 3:14pm - i_am_not_me ""]
[Apr 19,2011 3:49pm - Paul CNV  ""]
It sounds like Hate Eternal

Vocals are done in his new style which sucks

It lacks Sandoval's style of drumming

The song is quite average... Nothing blew me away

It took them 7 years to write something like this?
[Apr 19,2011 3:52pm - Paul CNV  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Sounds sterile and lame to me.

That is the word I was thinking... Sterile
[Apr 19,2011 4:58pm - Slag NLI  ""]
[Apr 19,2011 5:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

i_am_not_me said:BALEETED

[Apr 20,2011 10:05am - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
that songs not too bad but i fear it may be the best song on the album.
[Apr 20,2011 11:00am - vaettir ""]
The kids will love it. Long time fans are scratching their heads.
[Apr 20,2011 11:03am - ark  ""]
[Apr 20,2011 11:13am - demondave ""]

This song is pretty good. I think it's funny that it is getting bashed. The vocals? I liked the way Dave sang on Altars. Listen to Blessed and Covenant and see how they fuck with the mix on his vocals. I still like it - don't get me wrong, but what I am hearing here really isn't shockingly different.

[Apr 20,2011 11:17am - demondave ""]

and someone give a heads up when it shows up on soulseek

[Apr 20,2011 1:45pm - Botorious N.I.G.  ""]
Paint by numbers death metal. That band totally lost direction when the sexual tension between Dave and Trey fizzled. Goddamnit, Angela, you ruined a good death metal band.
[Apr 20,2011 4:11pm - Death2Allnli  ""]

blue said:I'm actually glad Tim Yeung is on this, I love Pete on drums and everything but I think Tim will enhance this album with better drumming. Blasphemy, I know.

I agree!! Tim Yeung is the most innovative drummer out there right now.
[Apr 20,2011 5:03pm - zyklon ""]


New song existo vulgore
[Apr 20,2011 5:04pm - zyklon ""]
Sounds like morbid to me
[Jun 6,2011 9:50am - Death_Metal_Jim ""]
yea so...i think we've all heard enuff by now. This album is gonna be pretty shitty aside from a couple songs. MA was one of my all time faves and it hurts to see em go out like this. Im just gonna blame Dave. Anyway..
Morbid Angel R.I.P.
thanx for the metal
Fuck Off
[Jun 6,2011 2:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lulz review

[Jun 6,2011 2:23pm - xmikex ""]

Botorious%20N.I.G. said: Goddamnit, Angela, you ruined a good death metal band.

[Jun 6,2011 2:53pm - dreadkill ""]
did they name the last song on the album "Profundis - Mea Culpa" to apologize to longtime fans for releasing this piece of garbage?
[Jun 6,2011 9:20pm - Samantha ""]
I was listening to this the other day, and a friend of mine said it sounded like a CD skipping. It was an accurate observation.
[Jun 6,2011 9:29pm - spaldino  ""]
no cd player is hardcore radikult enough to play this cd in it's entirety.
[Jun 7,2011 9:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's = it is.
[Jun 7,2011 10:02am - ouchdrummer ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:It's = it is.

awesome... (I was just about to say that.)

I also don't like this stuff. I blame Erik Rutan for it sucking so bad. I agree with PaulCNV on this one, it sounds too much like Hate Eternal. MA is supposed to be WAY groovier than this.

Also, after a good listen, i liked the drumming better before. I thought i would like Tim's drumming better, but i don't.
[Jun 7,2011 10:28am - ouchdrummer ""]
Death Metal Jim:
I saw Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Death Angel, and Shadows Fall @ the living room in Providence. (This show was very memorable to me, it was the first time i had seen someone puke in the middle of the pit, then use said puke to slip n' slide across the floor... with MAY people slipping more than planned and falling into the puke... it was also the show where i got "somber eyes to the sky" by Shadows Fall.) Think I remember the show at the Met that you're referring to, I didn't make it to it though.

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