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Nåthruzym ready for shows again in NE

[Oct 21,2010 12:50pm - mutis  ""]
Available December/January. There's only so many times we can play for hippies and lumberjacks before we get bored of playing in Vermont. Get in touch with me and we might come down and ritual the whole thing.

mail (at) joshuaperrin.com
[Oct 21,2010 7:54pm - frankofhell  ""]
What part of VT are you guys based in out of curiosity?
[Oct 21,2010 9:31pm - Mootis nli  ""]
I am from Burlington but we practice in Montpelier.
[Oct 22,2010 4:58am - HIT HER OR HITLER?  ""]
crybaby PC black metal.
[Oct 22,2010 9:30am - Mutis ""]
You're just jealous because we don't have gun laws in Vermont.
[Oct 22,2010 10:31am - Czarnobog ""]
good band.
[Oct 22,2010 10:59am - largefreakatzero ""]

Mutis said:You're just jealous because we don't have gun laws in Vermont.

I thought NH gun laws were great because all we have to do is get a background check to carry concealed. You guys don't even need that. WIN.

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