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PRIMAL @ The Coolidge

[Dec 21,2010 11:23am - boblovesmusic ""]
Fri & Sat, Jan 21 & 22 @fter midnite!

Anja and five friends join anthropology student, Dace, on a journey to study a remote, ancient rock painting. Their excitement vanishes when Mel becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in a nearby waterhole.

Feverish, bleeding, confused, se physically and mentally regresses to a vicious predatory state. Mel has gone primal.

Mel's lover and friends realize they are the prey as she savagely hunts them down. Before they can escape another one of them starts to regress, posing a hideous choice; kill or be killed.

Their only hope of survival is through a a cave, where Anja learns too late the meaning of the ancient rock art they came to study.

dir. Josh Reed, w/ Zoe Tuckwell-Smith, 1h33m
[Dec 23,2010 12:36pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
wait there's skinny dipping? nice!
[Jan 21,2011 1:12pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I'm working this tonight! Come by and hang!
[Jan 6,2013 11:47pm - the_reverend ""]
syfy isn't going to show much
[Jan 7,2013 7:58am - the_reverend ""]
I need to see this not edited for tv
[Jan 7,2013 8:00am - the_reverend ""]
Pulling leeches off titties ftw

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