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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Pires.
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[QUOTE="Pires:1167845"]The New England Metal and Hardcore Festival will enter it's teenage years this April with an eclectic mixture of bands from the metal and hardcore genres. Returning to the Palladium in Worcester, Mass., the event will take place on Thursday April 14, Friday April 15 and Saturday April 16. As per usual this is an ALL AGES festival. Bands performing on Thursday April 14 include Attack Attack, Vanna, MyChildren MyBride, Our Last Night, Stray From The Path, Arsonists Get All The Girls, Bullet For Pretty Boy, Lions Lions, Armor For The Broken, This Or The Apocalypse, I The Breather, Across The Sun, Too Late The Hero, Attila, Plee For Purging, Dr. Acula, The Crimson Armada, Legacy, Counterparts, Legion and others. Doors open at 1:00PM. Festival runs from 1:00pm to 10:45PM. Friday April 15 will include performances from Biohazard, Bury Your Dead (featuring the return of Mat Bruso doing the first three records "You Had Me At Hello" "Beauty and the Breakdown" and "Cover Your Tracks"), Terror, Cruel Hand, Your Demise, Thy Will Be Done, This Is Hell, The Carrier, Suffocate, Murder Death Kill, Terror, Stick To Your Guns, Trapped Under Ice, First Blood, Lionheart, Shai Hulud, Close Your Eyes, Legend, Monsters, The Great Commission, The Greenery, Hundreth, King Conquer, Betrayal and more to be added.Doors open at 12:00PM. Festival runs from 12:00PM to 12:45AM. Bands performing on Saturday April 16 include Hatebreed, Between The Buried And Me, Job For A Cowboy, The Ocean, Carnifax, Oceano, Born Of Osiris, Dying Fetus, Skeletonwitch, Lazarus A.D., Beneath The Massacre, Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, 3 Inches Of Blood, Within The Ruins, Contortionist, Volumes, Molotov Solution, Nails, Hung, Sons Of Aurelius, A Life Once Lost, Confrontation, Last Chance To Reason, Revocation, Structures, Withered, Wretched and more to be added. Doors open at 12:00PM. Festival runs from 12:00PM to 12:45AM. Tickets for Thursday cost $25. Friday and Saturday individual day tickets cost $30. A 3-day ticket costs $79 BUT if you buy them before February 15 they cost $69. All tickets are on sale FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4 @ 10AM at all FYE Stores, online at tickets.com or call (800) 477-6849. Sponsors this year include Monster Energy Drink, All In Merchandise, Ibanez, Tama, D'Addario, Atticus Black, Metal Blade Records, Artery Recordings and Hails & Horns Magazine. Heavy Hitter coordinates all our radio promotions, Mazur Pr coordinates our media inquiries and Metal Injection supplies fans with all the videos and interviews on their site so you can get a preview of all the bands to perform. Jeremy Saffer from jeremysaffer.com and [B] Aaron Peppelis from returntothepit.com[/B] provide all the official festival photos.[/QUOTE]
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