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Blessed Offal Porno Review

[Feb 18,2011 1:53pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I did my part, go nuts...


Ross 'The Boss' Saborin
Marcus 'Slobbering Slar' Frattura
"beam it up my ass', Scotty Beckett
Greg 'I Like Balls' Delaria
[Feb 18,2011 3:04pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
I was thinking it sounded like a porno movie when I was reading it.
[Feb 18,2011 3:10pm - MasterBlaster  ""]

Ross "Frankencock" Sabourin
Marcus "Frank Stallion-e" Frattura
Scott "Never has trouble with his tribble" Beckett
Greg "Biggest Balls of em All" Delaria
[Feb 18,2011 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
"offal porno" could mean so many wonderful things.
[Feb 18,2011 3:15pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
I wanna be Ross "The Duck"
[Feb 18,2011 3:22pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Feb 18,2011 4:08pm - sir coughsalot  ""]


Ross "The Duck" Sabourin
Marcus "Truffle Shuffle" Frattura
Potty Scotty Beckett
Greg "Horny Rubble" Delaria
[Feb 18,2011 4:15pm - blue ""]
Ross 'Duck' Dunn
[Feb 18,2011 4:15pm - blue ""]
Scotty 2 Hotty Beckett
[Feb 18,2011 5:26pm - GregD(NLI-inthatband)  ""]
Horny Rubble I can deal with.
[Feb 18,2011 5:57pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Only Wyckyd Sceptre is real.
[Feb 18,2011 9:48pm - ancient master  ""]
Ross "turbo lover" Sabourin
Marcus "point of entry" Frattura
Scott "ram it down" Beckett
Greg "leather rebel" Delaria
[Feb 18,2011 11:21pm - blue ""]
^this one wins
[Feb 19,2011 12:51am - i_am_not_me ""]

ancient%20master said:Ross "turbo lover" Sabourin
Marcus "point of entry" Frattura
Scott "ram it down" Beckett
Greg "leather rebel" Delaria

[Feb 19,2011 4:31pm - slarmageddon  ""]
i wanted to be sin after sin

[Feb 19,2011 5:52pm - ancient master  ""]
not gay enough
[Feb 19,2011 5:53pm - ancient master  ""]
i made you point of entry cause out of all you guys I felt like your bunghole would become the point of entry
[Feb 19,2011 5:56pm - Blessed Offal  ""]
marcus should be in a porn called twinks and twinkies. Eh? Ehhh?
[Feb 19,2011 6:26pm - sir coughsalot  ""]
chocolate milk chug of death
[Feb 20,2011 2:09am - Tha Fridge  ""]
Marcus should film a porn called stuttering cokehead paperboy Pt.2-The Awakening. His speciality is pissing up a rope!
[Feb 20,2011 5:41am - Boozegood ""]
I didn't read a word of this thread. You are all horrible people and should kill yourselves and we are no longer friends. Vulgar fuck-heads.
[Feb 20,2011 11:25am - Blessed Offal  ""]
: (
[Feb 20,2011 11:28am - nekronaut ""]
Tully is not a nice man.
[Feb 20,2011 11:38am - Gregd-Blessedoffal ""]
I am mortified. And slightly amused.

Signed Greg (Grinder) Dellaria.
[Feb 20,2011 3:19pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Laugh Out Loud @ Tully posting drunk on his TAB from his bed at nearly 6am.
[Feb 20,2011 3:28pm - nekronaut ""]

NuclearWinter said:Laugh Out Loud @ Tully posting drunk on his TAB from his mini van as Panzerbastard loads out.

Relevant fix
[Feb 20,2011 3:33pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Laugh Out Loud @ being in Revere that early on a Sunday.

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