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Mar 31 (Thu) - Metal Thursday CXXII: Led To The Grave, Volatile, Manic Repressive, Killbeast - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)

March 31st @ Ralph's - Metal Thursday CXXII: Led To The Grave, Volatile, Manic Repressive, Killbeast 21+ 9PM

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Mar 15,2011 7:56am - MetalThursday ""]



[Mar 15,2011 1:03pm - eddnli  ""]
can you say manilla road covers?
[Mar 15,2011 1:13pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
i had a small hand in the creation of this show. gonna be a rager!
[Mar 15,2011 1:29pm - Alx_Casket ""]
haha eddnli, dan was just talking about manilla road last night, now I know why
[Mar 15,2011 7:55pm - MetalThursday ""]
Wren you gave me someone's phone number and their band didn't even end up on the show.
[Mar 15,2011 9:09pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I suggested led to the grave! Plus I said small hand!
[Mar 15,2011 9:10pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Plus I gave you manic repressives number way back when! Hehe.
[Mar 15,2011 10:16pm - nekronaut ""]
ITT: [img]
[Mar 16,2011 7:53am - MetalThursday ""]
I should tell Wren to shut up and blow me?
[Mar 16,2011 6:38pm - eddienli  ""]

MetalThursday said: Wren shut up and blow me
[Mar 19,2011 1:27am - eddienli  ""]
we've had several people want to go up, but weren't able to find rides. To solve this issue i'm organizing car pools out of stoughton and allston. There are seats left in both cars. If you're interested contact me at sramsdell@umassd.edu First to contact me gets priority. I'll have more details the week of.
[Mar 21,2011 2:01pm - eddie ""]
stoughton car filled
[Mar 25,2011 12:55am - Eddie ""]
one week

[Mar 25,2011 5:05pm - Eddie ""]
both car pools are filled.
[Mar 28,2011 7:21pm - Samantha ""]
Up for Thursday!
[Mar 28,2011 8:09pm - Eddie ""]

[Mar 29,2011 7:22am - Yeti ""]
Chris i'm not sure if you got my return text but i will be here. if you could burn me that album it would be most appreciated.
[Mar 29,2011 2:11pm - MetalThursday ""]
No such text was received, but I'll have the CD for you.

Tickets for Novembers Doom / Woods of Ypres / Gwynbleidd / Goddamn Zombie & Faces of Bayon at Ralph's on May 6th will be available from me at this show. Anyone who wants one just bring an extra $12 & hit me up anytime during the show.
[Mar 30,2011 2:25pm - Eddie ""]
[Mar 31,2011 12:58am - Eddie ""]
Stoughton car has an open seat, contact me asap.
[Mar 31,2011 4:38pm - MetalThursday ""]
Been looking forward to this all week. Much stress to release. THRAWSH!
[Mar 31,2011 7:59pm - Nocuous_fumes_nli  ""]
Just counting down to when they let me the hell out of here, I will defenitely be in attendance.
[Apr 1,2011 8:23am - Yeti ""]
Led To The Grave wins this show. they sounded awesome. i did not like Volatile at all, the vocals were awful.
[Apr 1,2011 10:29am - MetalThursday ""]
Tony if there is ever a Metal Thursday DVD released, you and I have to do the bonus commentary track.
[Apr 1,2011 10:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd buy that for a dollar..
[Apr 1,2011 10:35am - Yeti ""]
hahaha yeah we have spent some quality time critiquing performances.
[Apr 1,2011 11:23am - Nocuous_Fumes ""]

Yeti said:i did not like Volatile at all, the vocals were awful.

[Apr 1,2011 1:09pm - Yeti ""]
hahahahahahahahahaha holy shit
[Apr 1,2011 1:51pm - Eddie ""]
killbeast- really good.
MR- didn't see
volatile- Failsetto i guess, i could only hear my guitar.
LTBG- really good

good show, never had that many strangers come up to me with congrats. Re-met some cool albanians from a awhile ago. great people.

40 promos were handed out, one left on a counter. now i know who that person was. :P I took it and gave it to my grandma, she said thanks.
[Apr 1,2011 1:58pm - BSV  ""]
got there in time for Volatile whom I loved. Fucked up mix of Oz, Manilla Road and 'Gates of Purgatory' era Running Wild. I'd love to see Frey with another band, nothing against Volatile, but this kid has waaaay too much energy for one band.
Led to the Grave was fantastic! Probably the tightest Thrash band in New England right now. Just killer riffs, real tight performance plus those cape cod kids know how to SUPPORT and rip it up.
Lots of blood, split beer, falling down, slurred speech and craziness. I love Ralph's!
[Apr 1,2011 1:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wish i couldve made it last night
[Apr 1,2011 2:00pm - the donger  ""]

Eddie said:LTBG

[Apr 1,2011 2:01pm - Alx_Casket ""]
lick the ball gag
[Apr 1,2011 2:03pm - the donger  ""]
[Apr 1,2011 2:13pm - burnsy ""]
Labia talons bring gonorrhea
[Apr 1,2011 2:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Lactation Takes Big Guns
[Apr 1,2011 2:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he's gonna be drivin a big truck named bubba now.
[Apr 1,2011 2:50pm - KillBeastJoe  ""]
Thanks to everyone that watched us! We're dying to play again soon!
[Apr 1,2011 3:19pm - eddnlie  ""]
opps must still be high.

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