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[Apr 7,2011 10:56am - The_Rooster ""]
[Apr 7,2011 11:05am - arktouros ""]
holy heavy
[Apr 9,2011 11:38am - Uh ""]
Sounds badass. I haven't heard a new good sludge band in a few years now.
[Apr 9,2011 11:42am - reimroc ""]
___ as fuck

[Apr 9,2011 12:03pm - Slag ""]
Whoa. Great mix.
[Apr 9,2011 12:12pm - brian_dc ""]
damn gina
[Apr 9,2011 12:38pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, Enabler played me their tape last year. Good stuff.
[Aug 23,2011 1:09pm - grizloch ""]
good god damn these guys were heavy
[Aug 23,2011 3:41pm - BradsauceNLI  ""]
fahkin-a, khed.
[Aug 23,2011 3:53pm - The_Rooster ""]

grizloch said:good god damn these guys were heavy

For real man. Jesus. Can't remember seeing anything that brutal around these parts in a long time.
[Aug 23,2011 8:49pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I dig.
[Aug 23,2011 8:57pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Actually I take that back -- I dig the music, but can't get into the vocals.
[Aug 23,2011 9:42pm - Lamp ""]
I wasn't really into the stuff I heard from this band recorded but I'd go see them live.

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