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New England Concerts

[Apr 19,2011 12:39am - xIwrestledattackattackoncex  ""]
So. My band, Frosting the cake with Frosting(check us out) is trying to get a show at Rockos with Vanna and EMmure once through I'm Thirsty Entertainment but they asked us to sell 75 tix. Is it normal for bands to do this? what if you don't sell all the tickets?
[Apr 19,2011 12:55am - the_reverend ""]
thar she trolls.
[Apr 19,2011 1:22am - bbbbbbbbbbbb  ""]
Bernie smells like that gross oil black people put in their hair.
[Apr 19,2011 10:53am - I'm Thirsty Entertainment  ""]
I have nothing to do with that show. Thank you.
[Apr 19,2011 11:03am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
there's a first.
[Apr 19,2011 11:26am - Alexecutioner ""]
you guys got a pretty good deal, normally they ask bands to sell 200 tickets. i'd say go for it!

remember, if you dont sell all the tickets, they still let you play. you just dont get paid as much at the end of the night.
[Apr 19,2011 11:34am - blue ""]
New england concerts = pay to play

I'm thirsty = no
[Apr 19,2011 11:41am - xmikex ""]

blue said:New england concerts = pay to play

I'm thirsty = Empty seats in the Silverdome... show's canceled.

[Apr 19,2011 12:36pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
OP's SN = hilarious
[Apr 19,2011 12:40pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:OP's SN = hilarious

[Apr 19,2011 1:24pm - Yeti ""]

the_reverend said:thar she trolls.

no. this is 100% legit.
[Apr 19,2011 1:48pm - vanna  ""]
Actually this is Dave Southworth's show www.imthirstyentertainment.com He has playing his Summer Breakdown show... nothing do with NEC
[Apr 19,2011 1:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i saw a hot ass chick this morning with a vanna bumpersticker.
[Apr 19,2011 2:34pm - Lamp ""]
I wrestled a crab once
[Apr 19,2011 2:35pm - xIwrestledattackattackoncex  ""]
If any one of you guys like Vanna or EMmure then buy tix from us!
[Apr 19,2011 2:41pm - sever ""]
I want 75 tix
[Apr 19,2011 2:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 19,2011 2:53pm - Sacreligion ""]
I dicked a bro once.

Oh wait, that's terrible. I quit.
[Apr 19,2011 2:56pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 19,2011 4:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Apr 19,2011 4:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:https://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=181335388581551&index=1


[Apr 19,2011 5:24pm - xIwrestledattackattackoncex  ""]
Do you want a ticket or not? Emmure is one of the greatest metal bands these days. Choose to not go? If so, you're a poser.
[Apr 19,2011 5:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Sure I'll buy a ticket.
[Apr 19,2011 5:49pm - xmikex ""]
I'll be the guy in the Sepultura shirt. Put me down for 12 tickets.
[Apr 19,2011 6:26pm - xgodzillax ""]

xIwrestledattackattackoncex said:Do you want a ticket or not? Emmure is one of the greatest metal bands these days. Choose to not go? If so, you're a poser.

actually, emmure is NOT one of the greatest metal bands. I wouldnt buy a ticket from you ever. your band name is gay, therefore you are gay.

even if I wanted to go to this show, Id make a phone call and get listed.

[Apr 19,2011 6:28pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Apr 19,2011 6:58pm - xIwrestledattackattackoncex  ""]
ummm...your point is invalid? How is our band name "gay"? Mind telling me? and shut the fuck up. Emmure is highly influential in the metal scene these days. Faggots like you only don't like them because of the beef they got in with the Acacia Strain. It happened. Get over it.
[Apr 19,2011 7:21pm - xgodzillax ""]

xIwrestledattackattackoncex said:ummm...your point is invalid? How is our band name "gay"? Mind telling me? and shut the fuck up. Emmure is highly influential in the metal scene these days. Faggots like you only don't like them because of the beef they got in with the Acacia Strain. It happened. Get over it.

HAHAHA! youre a joke.

I dont like them? thats funny, because I actually do. their new record sucks, but I enjoy their old shit.
*name drop* ive been friends with them for a while now...*name drop*

get gay you faggoting your faggotry with faggotry, faggot.

fight me.
[Apr 19,2011 7:23pm - xgodzillax ""]
BTW, do a johnny cupcakes cock frosting about it, faggot
[Apr 19,2011 7:42pm - blue ""]
there is some vicious trolling going on in this thread.
[Apr 20,2011 7:56am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
trolls trolling and the trolls that trolled them
[Apr 20,2011 8:06am - xmikex ""]
Emmure fighting the Acacia Strain is like Doink the Clown fighting acid reflux disease.
[Apr 20,2011 1:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Sure I'll buy a ticket.

if this person was real he would have jumped at the opportunity sell me a ticket instead of continuing to bicker. bluff called.

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