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LA Noire

[May 17,2011 9:15am - ark  ""]
Red Dead Redemption was criminally good...goddammit Rockstar, stop making good games. LA Noire looks too good to pass up but I'm going to hold off until it's cheap.
[May 17,2011 9:50am - timma ""]

Rockstar sandbox games = farts in the wind
[May 17,2011 10:29am - ark  ""]
apparently this game is NOT sandbox like GTA and you don't run over hookers and all that.
[May 17,2011 10:32am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck that. only unlimited random violence is real.
[Jul 1,2011 11:56pm - the_reverend ""]
just put it in.
[Jul 2,2011 9:06am - pablo  ""]
heard it's a decent game but there's way too many cut scenes so you just watch half the game
[Jul 2,2011 9:27am - the_reverend ""]
I was hoping that was just the beginning. It is way way way dark.
[Aug 15,2011 2:54pm - arktouros ""]
i got it cheap so now i will complain about it yet still finish it.

- faithful reproduction of 40's LA, film noir presentation
- the most realistic faces yet in a game, great characters and voice acting go with it
- crime scene investigating/cluefinding is hard to beat
- good interrogation branching system
- story keeps you playing, good missions

- character movement control is abysmal (i know the guy isn't mario, but at least mario can turn around)
- why do they insist on having a seperate trigger to make you run? it's an analog stick, fucking use it. i could be drinking my beer instead of needing 2 hands to move.
- cover system could use a lot of work, mostly because turning around and moving generally sucks
- lame side missions
- chases and shootouts can get boring
- aside from finding cars and points of interest, the city is pretty empty even compared to 2008 GTA
- unreadable map. yeah it's accurate, but you can't even find the tiny white arrow that represents you.
- the game keeps telling me what buttons to press when i'm halfway through the game, stop it
- the cases don't really branch off into different directions but mostly pigeon-holed into solving them one way

pros are enough to keep playing it. it's more of a story-driven cluefinding game but it's no excuse to make the action and exploration second-rate.
[Aug 15,2011 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]
I haven't touched it since my post on 7/2
[Oct 2,2011 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
just put it in again
[Oct 2,2011 11:50pm - arilliusbm ""]

the_reverend said:just dusted of vagrant story and put it in

[Oct 2,2011 11:59pm - the_reverend ""]
"Not trace of semen in the anus, vagina or stomach"
[Oct 3,2011 12:01am - the_reverend ""]
just dusted of
[Oct 3,2011 8:15am - arktouros ""]
did you put it in, and then dust it off? i never beat this but i think i was real close.
[Nov 4,2011 1:50am - the_reverend ""]
Idk... I got stuck in portal 2 cause of a glitch so I put this back in... I hope I'm getting close. I have a feeling that the black dahlia person might be a person I fought with I the war.
[Nov 4,2011 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
Ok, there are 5 chapters and I'm at the end of the third one.
[Nov 4,2011 6:57pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Just gave the story another run through, would love to see more games in this vein. Definitely agree with ark though... I liked the side missions while they lasted, but it seems a real waste of a roamable city to have only like 3 or 4 different non-story elements to pursue. The film cans are pretty much impossible to find and I got tired of searching for more cars after driving about 2/3rds of em.

Partner-driving is key... "You're behind the wheel!"

Noticed a major continuity flaw this time through; I charged the school-creeping perv with the Moller murder, but for the rest of the Homicide Desk, Phelps and Galloway kept talking like I'd arrested Hugo Moller. Was a bummer considering how well the story elements generally carry through the whole game.
[Nov 4,2011 9:52pm - mattnaegleria ""]
just got this game used the other day. pretty decent so far. plan on trying to beat it within the week so i can return it for full refund
[Nov 4,2011 10:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Oh, I fail almost every single interrigtion question. The movie secretary one I had to do 5 times.
[Nov 5,2011 11:44am - Officer Nice  ""]
Main character cannot control his emotions when he questions people, seemingly for no reason.

"where were you the night of the murder?"

"I was at home."

[Nov 5,2011 11:45am - Officer Nice  ""]
"I was at home"

"oh, so you were at home. ok"

What's the deal with that?

Same thing when he's driving. He's constantly getting mad at his partner. Rage issues.

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