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anyone have stuff from the old boston band ARISE.

[Jan 26,2003 3:42pm - John  ""]
i alrady have the split with overcast.looking for full lenght,demo's,t-shirts,etc.
also looking for starkweather,dissolve,section 8 and older overcast t-shirts.have alot of stuff to trade(video's.demos,shirts,cd's,etc).
[Jan 26,2003 10:43pm - tedonegoodfuck ""]
i think my buddy has the demo, i know he played it for me, but im not sure if he still has it. if he does i can make a copy for you. fucking great band....warning though, their other material sounds nothing like that overcast split. GREAT fucking band.
[Jan 27,2003 1:21am - penisbreath ""]
I got an old old demo with like 7 and a hald songs on it. It changed my life when I was 12. Its like super duper shit quality and how I got a hold of it I dont remember. So yea...give me head and I might tape it for ya.

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