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International Day of Slayer -- June 6, 2011

[May 21,2011 3:14pm - conservationist ""]
The Inter-National Day of Slayer is coming up on June 6, 2011.


The International Day of Slayer is a worldwide holiday for metalheads by metalheads.

is an emblem of metal: fast, powerful, still alien to the mainstream after 28 years.

If every other religious, ethnic and political group gets their own holiday, we deserve one too.


On June 6th:

Who is Slayer

Slayer is a band from California. Their music has come to epitomize Satanic speed metal music in the latter half of the 20th century. Their 1986 album, "Reign in Blood" is one of the single most influential metal albums of all time, typified by the modern classic "Angel of Death".

How to Celebrate

* Listen to Slayer at full blast in your car.
* Listen to Slayer at full blast in your home.
* Listen to Slayer at full blast at your place of employment.
* Listen to Slayer at full blast in any public place you prefer.

DO NOT use headphones! The objective of this day is for everyone within earshot to understand that it is the National Day of Slayer. National holidays in America aren't just about celebrating; they're about forcing it upon non-participants.
Taking that participation to a problematic level

* Stage a "Slay-out." Don't go to work. Listen to Slayer.
* Have a huge block party that clogs up a street in your neighborhood. Blast Slayer albums all evening. Get police cruisers and helicopters on the scene. Finish with a full-scale riot.
* Spray paint Slayer logos on churches, synagogues, or cemeteries.
* Play Slayer covers with your own band (since 99% of your riffs are stolen from Slayer anyway).
* Kill the neighbor's dog and blame it on Slayer.

Visit the International Day of Slayer website for more information!

Where to purchase Slayer albums

If you don't already have at least one Slayer album in your collection, purchase from amazon.com:

[img][img][URL=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000001C6K?tag=darklegions-20][img][URL=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000062YAZ?tag=darklegions-20][img][URL=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000062YB3?tag=darklegions-20][img][URL=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000062YB1?tag=darklegions-20][IMG" TARGET=4>http://www.nationaldayofslayer.org/slayer/...ayer-seasons_in_the_abyss.jpg[/IMG][URL=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000062YAY?tag=darklegions-20][img][/URL" TARGET=6>

Reviews of Slayer albums

* [URL=http://www.anus.com/metal/slayer#haunting_the_chapel]Slayer - Haunting the Chapel
* Slayer - Show No Mercy
* Slayer - Hell Awaits
* Slayer - Reign in Blood
* Slayer - South of Heaven
* Slayer - Seasons in Abyss
* Slayer - Decade of Aggression

Follow us on Social Networks

* Last.fm: National Day of Slayer
* MySpace: National Day of Slayer
* Twitter: NatlDayOfSlayer
* Facebook: International Day of Slayer
* YouTube: National Day of Slayer

Relevant Artists

If you like Slayer, also try:

* [URL=http://www.anus.com/metal/mortuary]Mortuary

* [URL=http://www.anus.com/metal/bathory]Bathory


Thanks for reading!

- [URL=http://nationaldayofslayer.org/]The International Day of Slayer
[May 21,2011 4:08pm - Goatrider ""]
Now, I'm looking for a good way of blasting Slayer at a playground, and probably an outdoor funeral as well. What should I consider when purchasing battery-operated speakers? Clarity at high volumes is important, of course... what else?
[May 21,2011 4:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
best post
[May 21,2011 4:10pm - Skinsandwich ""]
Can't talk, beating off to womens College softball on ESPN.
[May 21,2011 4:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[May 21,2011 4:28pm - conservationist ""]

Goatrider said:Now, I'm looking for a good way of blasting Slayer at a playground, and probably an outdoor funeral as well. What should I consider when purchasing battery-operated speakers? Clarity at high volumes is important, of course... what else?

You need a generator, man. I'll see if I can dig one up.
[May 21,2011 4:32pm - thirdknuckle ""]
Sorry, June 6th is Ted Nugent Day here at Knucklehaus
[May 21,2011 4:43pm - Elihhcb  ""]
Only 6/6/06 was real
[May 22,2011 12:49pm - conservationist ""]
SLAYER eternal!
[May 22,2011 5:00pm - tub o‘ lard w/ wooden stick  ""]
the national day of gayer
[May 22,2011 7:07pm - conservationist ""]
[May 23,2011 1:00am - conservationist ""]
[May 23,2011 1:21am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Only go to school if you attend Thayer Academy and you change sign to read SLayer Academy.
[May 23,2011 6:50am - tub o‘ lard w/ wooden stick  ""]
[May 23,2011 7:11pm - conservationist ""]
Sugared lard is my favorite snack. On cheese.
[Jun 5,2011 9:14pm - conservationist ""]

Heavy metal is a type of culture. It's an elective culture, meaning that we choose it and are not born into it. But it has its own values. We love heavy fast riffs. We think evil is as important as good. We think ugly sound can be beautiful.

Our values clash with a lot of other cultures and philosophies.

Since all of them get protection and their own rules because they are officially recognized, it's time we get recognized. The International Day of Slayer, which occurs on June 6 every year, is our chance to be recognized as a type of culture: the heavy metal culture. -

Of all the metal since the genre started in 1970, Slayer stands alone for being creative, intense and dark but powerful. Listening to Slayer won't make you feel good about life, but it will make you want to kick life's ass.

This is why Slayer is the symbol of heavy metal. There are none more capable of expressing the pure metal spirit. This June 6, celebrate the International Day of Slayer by blasting the first five albums at neighbors, family and authority figures.

[URL=http://nationaldayofslayer.org/]The International Day of Slayer -- June 6, 2011

[Jun 5,2011 9:57pm - NuclearWinter ""]

conservationist said:I LOVE SODOM

[Jun 6,2011 1:43pm - Slayer > Craisins  ""]


Blasting this today, best Slayer song ever especially the ridiculous riffs at the end.
[Jun 6,2011 2:07pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Thread needs more Stormwitch:

[Jun 6,2011 11:00pm - GregD-Blessedoffal ""]
Every day is fucking Slayer day.
[Jun 7,2011 12:08am - goatcatalyst ""]
"Jesus Saves" and "Hell Awaits" played on the local innernet jukebox, much to the chagrin of indigenous buttdarts. Observed.
[Jun 7,2011 12:46am - nekronaut ""]
Panzerbastard and Ipissifuck FTW.
[Jun 7,2011 1:07am - goatcatalyst ""]
Birthday N-words

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