MDF IX - Maryland Death Fest 2011 day three recap thread[views:23442][posts:72]Sonar (Baltimore, MD) - [acid_witch][avulsed][blood_freak][cianide][creative_waste][cretin][defeated_sanity][doom][dropdead][exhorder][hail_of_bullets][hooded_menace][impaled_nazarene][innumerable_forms][inquisition][in_solitude][mammoth_grinder][masakari][nunslaughter][randomshots][the_kill][voivod] [show listing] _______________________________________ [May 28,2011 11:55am - the_reverend ""] MASAKARI - 12:30 - 12:55 [MAIN ROOM] - INNUMERABLE FORMS - 1:10 - 1:35 [MAIN ROOM] - CREATIVE WASTE - 1:50 - 2:20 [MAIN ROOM] - MAMMOTH GRINDER - 2:35 - 3:05 [MAIN ROOM] - CRETIN - 3:20 - 3:55 [MAIN ROOM] - AVULSED - 3:50 - 4:30 [OUTSIDE STAGE 2] - THE KILL- 4:10 - 4:40 [MAIN ROOM] - CIANIDE - 4:35 - 5:10 [OUTSIDE STAGE 1] - BLOOD FREAK - 4:55 - 5:30 [MAIN ROOM] - NUNSLAUGHTER - 5:30 - 6:10 [OUTSIDE STAGE 2] - IN SOLITUDE - 6:10 - 6:50 [OUTSIDE STAGE 1] - DROPDEAD - 6:25 - 6:55 [MAIN ROOM] - HAIL OF BULLETS - 6:55 - 7:45 [OUTSIDE STAGE 2] - DOOM - 7:10 - 7:55 [MAIN ROOM] - IMPALED NAZARENE - 7:55 - 8:45 [OUTSIDE STAGE 1] - EXHORDER - 8:50 - 9:40 [OUTSIDE STAGE 2] - VOIVOD - 9:45 - 10:45 [OUTSIDE STAGE 1] - DEFEATED SANITY - 9:55 - 10:30 [MAIN ROOM] - ACID WITCH - 10:45 - 11:25 [MAIN ROOM] - HOODED MENACE - 11:40 - 12:20 [MAIN ROOM] - INQUISITION - 12:35 - end [MAIN ROOM] - |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 1:05pm - The_reverend ""] Masakari killed. So good. Perfect way to start a day when my feet are just plain sore. |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 1:27pm - The_reverend ""] Innumerable forms was awesome bolt thrower sounding pv. I als think you may know the singer at least. They covered master. Wishedi got to record that. There was a rain storm too. |
______________________________ [May 28,2011 1:51pm - Lamp ""] The_reverend said:Innumerable forms was awesome bolt thrower sounding pv. LOLWUT |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 2:17pm - The_reverend ""] That's what I heard. And thy covered master. 1/2 of creative waste was awesome. No bassist and the guitarist was dave frm plf. The tracks from the ep were the most full sounding ones they played. I was also shocked that they weren't completey made out of oil. This day seems like a slow starter for many people. There was no lin in the am. |
______________________________ [May 28,2011 2:37pm - Lamp ""] Innumerable Forms doesn't have any punk influence whatsoever, that shit's straight death metal. It's awesome. But definitely not "bolt thrower style pv". |
_________________________________________ [May 28,2011 2:47pm - Duhhhhhhhhhhhh ""] Bolt thrower is powerviolence, duh! |
______________________________ [May 28,2011 3:13pm - Lamp ""] Oh yeah, totally slipped my mind, sorry |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 3:14pm - The_reverend ""] Mammoth grinder was my chance to run and grab coffee, but tha failed. Waiting or creitin to come on. |
___________________________________ [May 28,2011 3:20pm - nekronaut ""] Only post-op MTF singers are real. [img] |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 3:35pm - The_reverend ""] Speaking of, cretin is killing it. |
__________________________________________ [May 28,2011 3:48pm - demondave @ MDF ""] Blew out two tires and had to get them replaced. I really wanted to see Cretin, sucks that I missed it. On my way soon. |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 4:09pm - The_reverend ""] Avusled might just be the best band who played so far. |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 5:07pm - The_reverend ""] Damn, you missed avulsed too? The kill had more glowsticks, santa, and inflatible animals. Cianide was cool, but it remind me of the mdf shirt "where's the death?" Blood freak tossed some sweet meats or something into the crowd. People who got hit probably sadfaced. |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 5:20pm - The_reverend ""] You can't spell Nunslaughter without the word laughter! Waiting for them to unleash the pile o bones. |
_____________________________________ [May 28,2011 5:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""] Did you see my new postcard, Rev? |
_____________________________________ [May 28,2011 6:18pm - ouchdrummer ""] The_reverend said:Avusled might just be the best band who played so far. I just read this and decided to check this out... These guys are awesome. The drumming on the recording isn't spectacular, but i dig a bunch anyways. (which is unusual for me.) |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 6:49pm - The_reverend ""] In solitude = wears furs Drop dead = hates people who wears furs. Btw, dropdead sounds so good on that stage. Not only is the room packed, but the whole side stage is backed too. |
_____________________________________ [May 28,2011 7:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""] Did you see my new postcard, Rev? Marsi had some. |
_______________________________________ [May 28,2011 7:46pm - mikefrommaine ""] avulsed is one of those bands i loved in high school and who got me into extreme metal. probably the biggest reason i regret staying home this year. |
____________________________ [May 28,2011 8:02pm - Uh ""] I have no idea what impaled nazarene is saying right now |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 8:26pm - the_reverend ""] impaled nazarene just pooped on everyone's fun and took away the beach ball. waiting for exhorder now |
______________________________________ [May 28,2011 9:09pm - The_reverend ""] I have not seen dwyer's post card yet. |
_________________________________ [May 28,2011 9:13pm - dustin ""] Exhorder absolutely killing it |
_______________________________________ [May 28,2011 10:17pm - Boblovesmdf ""] This fest has been incredible! |
_______________________________________ [May 28,2011 10:31pm - The_reverend ""] Yeah, exhorder playing the law and I am the cross ftw. Right now voivod sounds like their albums. Defeated sanity is playing inside but I saw them last week. |
_______________________________________ [May 28,2011 10:43pm - The_reverend ""] Hilarious, some of the boucers just brought in some of their friends to see the show and they are looking for black guys in the crowd and cheering for them. |
_______________________________________ [May 28,2011 11:20pm - The_reverend ""] Someone needs to tell acid witch that baltimore is 7hrs from salem mass. |
_________________________________ [May 28,2011 11:22pm - Kevord ""] I wish Acid Witch was playing Salem. I'd be there right now. |
_______________________________________ [May 29,2011 12:21am - The_reverend ""] So... is hooded menace like portal 2? It's just sludge and occasional riffs/hint of voals. |
_______________________________________ [May 29,2011 12:22am - The_reverend ""] Also some dude mde a bad choice and did something to have the bouncers drag him out. Not smart. |
______________________________________ [May 29,2011 1:40am - the_reverend ""] home, working on pictures. |
______________________________________ [May 29,2011 2:44am - the_reverend ""] pictures uploading. |
__________________________________________ [May 29,2011 3:11am - demondave @ MDF ""] This is so much fun. I showed up late and still saw like 13 bands. Acid witch were killer and Inquisition were better than I thought they would be. I stayed on my side of the barrier so I didn't violate a restraining order with Nun's Laughter |
________________________________________ [May 29,2011 9:02am - eyehatehippies ""] It bums me out that Acid Witch can go do fucking festivals and kill it, but when I try to get them on a billing with us right near their hometown, I get told that they have no draw. Thanks for the updates, guys. There was no doubt in my mind that Inquisition would be awesome. Wish I could have been there, perhaps next year. |
______________________________________ [May 29,2011 9:32am - the_reverend ""] dave, for you. [img] |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 10:58am - demondave ""] Is that a Marriott? this teaches me for not getting a room earlier. |
________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:03am - Pires ""] Ghost must be staying there |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:09am - demondave ""] eyehatehippies said:It bums me out that Acid Witch can go do fucking festivals and kill it, but when I try to get them on a billing with us right near their hometown, I get told that they have no draw. People were really into it. I was at the back edge of the pit (facing the band) and the crowd was soaking in what acid witch was giving out. It was awesome watching the crowd move. I like Acid Witch, but now I really am going to investigate them more. |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:13am - demondave ""] [img] what you think you reverand wit you hippy beacha ball. I trow it at you camera |
_______________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:15am - the coolest ""] Yeah yo, Rev is a horrible photographer, he just takes the same pic a thousand times - hey buddy, some originality and variation in your pics? thanks. All the true death-heads were there last year, all the poser Dwyer's and shit went probably this year. I bet Dwyer went this year. For all his Autopsy 666 bullshit he wasn't even at the one where Autopsy played! He misses his own dick he's so dumb. Your dicks are all gay, you don't know the real way. |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:33am - demondave ""] [img] what you not coolest! I Mika coolest. Next beachaball for you |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:35am - demondave ""] [img] where beachaball nummah two |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:37am - demondave ""] [img] beachaball! where coolest not coolest?!? |
____________________________________ [May 29,2011 11:39am - demondave ""] [img] BAM!. Mikka call you slut! coolest not coolsest get fucki wid beachaball to head |
_______________________________________ [May 29,2011 12:00pm - The_reverend ""] He took the beach ball away. Also, I think I got a new site title out of this thread. |
______________________________ [May 29,2011 3:29pm - blue ""] [img] i <3 defeated sanity |
______________________________________ [May 29,2011 4:36pm - The_reverend ""] Bisexual |
________________________________________ [May 30,2011 7:45am - eyehatehippies ""] demondave said: eyehatehippies said:It bums me out that Acid Witch can go do fucking festivals and kill it, but when I try to get them on a billing with us right near their hometown, I get told that they have no draw. People were really into it. I was at the back edge of the pit (facing the band) and the crowd was soaking in what acid witch was giving out. It was awesome watching the crowd move. I like Acid Witch, but now I really am going to investigate them more. I think the albums are great. A lot of people are calling "cheesy" and "Scooby Doo metal" on stuff like this, that tries to be evil, fun, and imaginative at the same time, but really, their two albums are a blast to listen to. Great atmosphere, nice use of samples, and a weird paring of death metal and psychedelic/stoner doom. |
_____________________________________ [May 30,2011 5:21pm - late_rising ""] this day was by far my favorite of the weekend, saw so many good sets. My only regret is missing Exhorder but I needed a break so I went back to the hotel and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark on hotel cable for an hour or so. Was really looking forward to Cianide and they did not disappoint. Guitar tone was sick. Nunslaughter were awesome, totally hilarious and super sick at the same time. And they sounded great on that second stage, which not every band was able to do. DOOM definitely put on one of the best sets of the weekend as far as pure energy in the room, people were going nuts and they were relentless with the sound. Found myself howling after every song, was more into them than I expected to be. Was surprised how into Acid Witch the crowd were (they sold out all their merch in 20 minutes and people were chanting for them before they even hit the stage) but I thought they delivered pretty well. I'm a fan and they didn't disappoint, although I don't know if I was as into them as everyone else. Hooded Menace on the other hand surprised me with how good they were. I know the Rev dissed them earlier in the thread, and I did text my friend that during the slow parts they might as well be Kilslug, but I also told her that they had some of the best riffs of the weekend, and they did - when they rocked out it was really some ballsy shit. Inquisition killed, as expected. Great day at the fest that made it all worth it. |
_____________________________________ [May 30,2011 7:56pm - onemorehit ""] what a good time. fucking great bands,hot chicks,drunkin behavior and i scored some sick shirts. i was floored by the dropdead and doom sets, impaled nazarene and voi vod killed it. LOVED acid witch. SO many great bands.fuckin awesome. |
______________________________________ [May 31,2011 9:02pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________________ [May 31,2011 9:03pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________________ [May 31,2011 9:03pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________________ [May 31,2011 9:03pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
______________________________________ [May 31,2011 9:03pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_______________________________________ [May 31,2011 10:27pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 1:40am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 1:41am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:10am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:11am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:11am - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:37pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:38pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:39pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:39pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:40pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:40pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:41pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:41pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:42pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |
_____________________________________ [Jun 1,2011 7:42pm - the_reverend ""] bennyhillifier |