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Born on the 4th of July RTTP AMERICA FEST FEST!!!

[radioshow]  _____________________________________
[Jul 4,2011 9:05pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 4,2011 9:27pm - demondave ""]
carnivore - usa for usa
six feet under - amerikkka the brutal
nuclear assault - my america
lawnmower death - kids in america
[Jul 4,2011 9:34pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Please play new Origin.
[Jul 4,2011 9:55pm - late_rising ""]
one of the few Mondays a year when I don't have to play hockey, so I get to listen for once. sounding good. I played "Who's to Blame" from Desperate Measures on my last show - fuckin love that album.
[Jul 4,2011 10:17pm - late_rising ""]
this Faces of Bayon is getting me stoked for the Bongripper show.
[Jul 4,2011 11:11pm - demondave ""]
[Jul 4,2011 11:11pm - demondave ""]

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