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Jul 7 (Thu) - The Bonus Army, Stick Together, Dead End Path, Powerwolves, Coke Fiend, Bastardswine - Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)

the bonus army, powerwolves, etc at anchors up today

Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA) - [bastardswine][coke_fiend][powerwolves][stick_together][the_bonus_army]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Jul 7,2011 7:43pm - the_reverend ""]
Coke fiend just played, good stuff.
[Jul 7,2011 8:41pm - the_reverend ""]
That might have been bastardswine and then powerwolves. Powerwolves sounded good minus the bass issues. The new stuff sounds great.
[Jul 7,2011 11:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 10,2011 11:20pm - late_rising ""]
is that Sweet Pete wearing a t-shirt from his own band in the photo on the front page?
[Jul 11,2011 2:21am - AnchorsUp  ""]

late_rising said:is that Sweet Pete wearing a t-shirt from his own band in photo on the front page?

No that's some kid named Nate.

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