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Rate Your Weekend!!!!!

[May 30,2004 10:56pm - Abbath ""]
what a lame ass long weekend for me
angry drunks, tourist, and not recording my bands demo
[May 30,2004 11:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
10. Two awesome shows! I have money! I have the day off tomorrow, an extra day of weekend! I get to go see Pillory, Hirudenia, and Noosebomb at the All Asia tomorrow, yah.
[May 30,2004 11:46pm - Terence ""]

went to lowell for my boys Abhorred and 5MH. awesome time, almost shit my pants on the way there.
Hung around on saturday, some much needed relaxing time.
Played an awesome show on Sunday. FUCKING A!!! It was a good weekend.
[May 30,2004 11:47pm - PilloryDan ""]
My weekend was awsome....Had some beers with In Flames....Then tomorrow the first pillory show!!!
[May 30,2004 11:51pm - Dissector ""]
My weekend was retty cool. Just hung out with friends, got drunk tonight (still drunk now). Now I'm waiting for my guitarist to come over and we're gonna watch Good Fellas.
[May 30,2004 11:54pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[May 30,2004 11:59pm - Aegathis ""]
Oh man Terence i wish u coulda seen us, either way yea that was an awsome show, aside from Coffin Birth finnally playing. I really liked all the other bands, and im glad i got to see Thanos and Abhorred again. First time seeing 5MH, They were definatly awsome as well. Honestly I dont really think that many people liked us, but we felt we did awsome. Aside from that the only other good thing this weekend was celebrating my girlfriends birthday. I got her a DIssection shirt and a Mayhem cd \m/
[May 31,2004 12:32am - silky ""]
I give it a 7/10. I had to work most of the weekend but I did so on an obsene amount of pain killers, so it was actualiy pretty fun. I got to fire someone who completely lost her shit because she had a multiple personality disorder, and some of those personalities weren't very pleasent. I had no idea anything was wrong with her when I hired her a week ago, it just all came out friday morning. I thought she was going to stab me and she almost beat up this other girl who works for me for no reason.
[May 31,2004 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
I wouldgive this weekend a 8/10
awsome shows
moving tons of stuff and having rustedangel show up to help me and carina with his date stacy.
and I'm about to have some icecream... what a great weekend.

can't wait for next weekend when terence drives carina and I to NYC
[May 31,2004 12:34am - Terence ""]
yeha that'll be fun. Lets hope I get explosive diarrhea this time too.
[May 31,2004 12:40am - the_reverend ""]
it's on my wish list.
how did you know?
[May 31,2004 1:05am - MyDeadDoll ""]
mine was average... like 6/10. i worked saturday, then went to my mom's for a BBQ, drank a little, got sober to drive home... slept in... this morning i went to my grandparents to help my nana address her anniversary invitations and just to spend time with them since my tata had surgery to remove soem cancer from this thyroid last week. i actually got in a bathing suit and went swimming this afternoon. hehehe. no tan yet, tho. that's it. now i have to be in bed early 'cos i work ass early tomorrow morning. damn.
[May 31,2004 10:01am - dreadkill ""]
my weekend started off on thursday night (no work friday) with me getting my truck towed, then searching for it for 5 hours and paying $100. then friday i drank too much and pissed my friends off at in flames, but i still had fun. saturday i partied with some friends i never see anymore and it was great. yesterday i had fun with some other friends. depending on how much money i lose at foxwoods today, we are talking a possible 8 rated weekend.
[May 31,2004 10:19am - dyingmuse ""]
mine started on thursday too i havent worked since then any ways. anyhow i did niothing this entire weekend. sat i had practice we worked on our newest song for like 5 hour. went home thenat about 1100 my guitarist and i decided to play some halo on xbox. we fucking played till 100 in the after noon. thats fucking like 14 hours! man that game is addicting. so i ended up sleeping all night last night and i just woke up now. what a fucking waste this weekend gets a 4
[May 31,2004 10:39am - assuck ""]
mine was fuckin great. its pretty much been said, but it dont get much better than two awesome shows in 3 days. we're gonna see what we can do about getting more shows at that evo's in lowell.
[May 31,2004 10:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
7/10 I got to see abhorred twice, on two awesome shows.
Aganihm's last show was cool, got some awesome work done on the PR level. Would have been better if not for all the bad news this morning (and as far as I am concerned, this is still the weekend)
[May 31,2004 11:40am - Siberian  ""]
Aegathis said:Oh man Terence i wish u coulda seen us, either way yea that was an awsome show, aside from Coffin Birth finnally playing. I really liked all the other bands, and im glad i got to see Thanos and Abhorred again. First time seeing 5MH, They were definatly awsome as well. Honestly I dont really think that many people liked us, but we felt we did awsome. Aside from that the only other good thing this weekend was celebrating my girlfriends birthday. I got her a DIssection shirt and a Mayhem cd \m/

Hey man, if you're from Coffin Birth I thought you guys were pretty damn good, especially for that being your first show.
[May 31,2004 11:45am - Siberian  ""]
My weekend would get probably a 9/10. We played an awesome show in Lowell with some great bands, Abhorred is fucking awesome! Thanos was great as well as coffin birth. Got to see the guys from Phantom Limb and Raising Kubrick, Terence, Rev & Carina, glad you both made it. We got home around 4AM, I slept for a couple hours and then had a BBQ with some family. Sunday I drank beers and watched some live racing then made it home for the Nextel race. Had some more beers and fell asleep before the race ended. Day off today, getting paid to sit on my ass. Overall, not too bad a weekend.
[May 31,2004 12:45pm - Kalopsia@friend's house  ""]
well let's see this weekend i went down to Maryland for the Maryland Death Fest. There i saw many cool bands perform and bought 32 cds and 2 shirts. also on sunday at 6 p.m. i took the stage with Dehumanized and tore the venue up. we got a great crowd response, and we should have some pictures of the show soon. good weekend
[May 31,2004 1:25pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Friday got wasted and puked all over my best friends house...got acussed of a hit and run that same nite....sat..hid from the world because I thought I had a warrant out on me for the hit an..Sun played a killer show at the block.
[May 31,2004 4:20pm - dread_104 ""]
Friday went to GAYrod's to see my drummer's other band
Saturday went to my ex's sister's wedding and had to constantly remind myself that this isn't the place to "show" my new brass knuckles to the faggot i hate most in this world,
then hung out at these studios in brockton, getting drunk and watching people do alot of coke
Sunday played a killer show at the choppin' block, finally getting to see abhorred again(for 40 minutes nothing in the world mattered to me, thanx guys!!!)
and today just relaxin' watching baseball, waiting for the sox at 8.
pretty good weekend, minus the repressed hatred and coke
[May 31,2004 5:39pm - Aegathis ""]
Hey man, if you're from Coffin Birth I thought you guys were pretty damn good, especially for that being your first show. >>

Thanks for the good words man, I hope we can play again soon but the drummer and guitarist are leaving pretty soon. We are from Cape Cod , so it might be a while before we reform.
[May 31,2004 5:56pm - JellyFish ""]
built a bridge, listened to metal, sat around. 5/10
[May 31,2004 6:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hooray for doing nothing!
[May 31,2004 6:30pm - retzam ""]
Friday: After school I worked on a project for a little then did nothing for the rest of the night.
Saturday: Worked from 9 to 5, but I had an hour and 15 minute break where I went to Subway, so that was pretty good. Then I worked on my project for 3 hours and tried to watch a movie but fell asleep.
Sunday: Hung out at did nothing until 5ish, then I went over my friend Jay's house and we jammed for a while, then we got wasted and stayed up til 4 or so.
Monday: Woke up at 7, only 3 hours of sleep, hung over kind of bad, and me and Jay are both in school band, so we had to march in the memorial day parade, two of them actually, for a total of 3 hours or so. Hungover this was quite unpleasant. Got back and hung out at his house until 3 then came home and ate food and swam in the pool and just kind of hung out. Now I am listening to music, still nursing my hangover with at least 3 or 4 hours of that project ahead of me, and its due tomorrow (possibly first period?? I don't know, don't really care actually).

All in all, I think 4/10, pretty much purely because of the project and the hangover.
[May 31,2004 6:31pm - retzam ""]
Robdeadskin said:Friday got wasted and puked all over my best friends house...got acussed of a hit and run that same nite....sat..hid from the world because I thought I had a warrant out on me for the hit an..Sun played a killer show at the block.

Hahahaha, I think we would all appreciate a little elaboration.
[May 31,2004 7:36pm - dread_104 ""]
he puked beer and red nyquil all over their white rug, bathroom, her coat and expensive purse. i'll let him tell the rest
[May 31,2004 7:42pm - retzam ""]
I'm anxious!!!
[May 31,2004 8:25pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I wouldgive this weekend a 8/10
awsome shows
moving tons of stuff and having rustedangel show up to help me and carina with his date stacy.
and I'm about to have some icecream... what a great weekend.

can't wait for next weekend when terence drives carina and I to NYC

i'd have to agree with you (At the time you posted) but right now...i'd say 10/10
[May 31,2004 10:15pm - assuck ""]
dread_104 said:Sunday played a killer show at the choppin' block, finally getting to see abhorred again(for 40 minutes nothing in the world mattered to me, thanx guys!!!)

that is the greatest compliment i have ever gotten.

and i'd say something about you guys but i already kissed your asses enough on your guest book.

[May 31,2004 10:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 31,2004 10:55pm - Abbath ""]
succubus has alien eyes in that one!!!!

ok so i'm updating my weekend to a 7/10
we got some songs finally recorded
[Jun 1,2004 12:23am - Kalopsia ""]
since i got sick coming home from the fest my weekend was a 9/10
[Jun 1,2004 12:34am - dreadkill ""]
my weekend gets a 7. i ended up losing money at foxwoods today, but the weekend ended with a cookout featuring beer and wiffleball. my team kicked ass so that made the weekend a little better.
[Jun 1,2004 1:57am - blue ""]
good weekend. started with abhorred and 5 minutes hate (one of my new favs) in lowell on friday, played the first spider gates show in months, and i just got home from recording guitars for the new rk cd. overall a good weekend. next will be just as good (braid reunion tour & dysrhythmia!)
[Jun 1,2004 11:22am - Otto/Wormdr1v3  ""]
I went to Indianapolis with my Dad to watch the 500. Indianapolis is a great city, if you've never been i highly recommend it. Great food, clean, BEAUTIFULL WOMEN!!! And very good local beer. Aside fromt he 16 hour drive, i'd give my weekend a 9/10.
[Jun 1,2004 11:47am - RustedAngel ""]
I had a pretty good weekend. It's a shame that busy one's always go by a lot faster than just sitting at home jerkin it.

Friday: Picked up succubus in portsmouth, then headed down to lowell to suprise rev at the abhorred/cb/5mh show. We were looking for a taco bell on the way down but ended up taking a 20 minute detour for nothing. Finally we just gave up and stopped at a BK and ate. Damn I was hungry.

Saturday: Got up reletively early but it was nice out. Picked up my ex gf and went to portsmouth to help rev and succubus move stuff from the old apt to the new one. The new place is nice, and will probably be much nicer once he's settled in. Rev and I started a Beep N' Roll band with our cars back and forth from apt's. We'll be playing the palladium soon.
After, my ex and I went to see 'the day after tomorrow' was pretty destructive and cool. better than I thought it was going to be.

sunday: went to daddy's and picked up a boss pedal adapter, and the daisy chain so I don't have to fuck with 9v batteries anymore. (except for the emg81) Waited around at my house then went up to Ashland to go over some songs with shawn my other guitarist.

Monday: Slept in late, woke up to another nice day!! Went up to woodstock for band practice minus bass player and singer.. It was very good though, we fixed a few issues, and we could hear everything better and make shit tighter without vocals and bass. I burnt my drummer a VCD copy of the derek roddy drum video and he picked something up right off so I hope he studies it religiously now. We went to our drummers parents cookout, had some real food. Went back and almost played our set through before getting yelled at by his next door neighbor at about 8 o clock. :( shitty. At least we got about 8 hours of practice in. Will be fun to play some shows we're all excited.

I give the weekend an 8 out of 10.
[Jun 1,2004 5:24pm - Robdeadskin ""]
retzam said:Robdeadskin said:Friday got wasted and puked all over my best friends house...got acussed of a hit and run that same nite....sat..hid from the world because I thought I had a warrant out on me for the hit an..Sun played a killer show at the block.

Hahahaha, I think we would all appreciate a little elaboration.

Alright ....alright...Look...A sertain drug I dont want to mention was involved too..beer...vodka...nyquil..and a note on my car that same nite saying I did a hit and run on some ones car on the street I left my car on...along with a possible warrant out on me for that acusation...Because they said they reported my licence plate number to the police...I DID"NT hit shit...and they know it..because they never reported me after all and it's dropped for now...So Now i gotta deal with the puke situation..and hope my friend and his girl forgive me...oh ya and don't ask what drugs I was on because I wont specify...lets just say I'm goin to a N/A meeting with a freind tonite hmmm.:pukeface:
[Jun 1,2004 5:34pm - powerkok ""]
smacked out much? dont waste your time with that shit.
[Jun 1,2004 5:42pm - Robdeadskin ""]
powerkok said:smacked out much? dont waste your time with that shit.

your right man...thanx..mabye its good it happened
[Jun 1,2004 5:44pm - powerkok ""]
well, its good if you never ever touch it again! Ive watched,with my own eyes, VERY close people to me DIE from that garbage. Just a bit of advice anyway.
[Jun 1,2004 5:49pm - Robdeadskin ""]
powerkok said:well, its good if you never ever touch it again! Ive watched,with my own eyes, VERY close people to me DIE from that garbage. Just a bit of advice anyway.

Your right...I had a good friend die from ecstacy...put him in the ground at 22....He was workin for marval comics drawin the new batman.. the issue never made it out though. I almost died that nite myself and it scared me so......I guess we learn from experiance
[Jun 1,2004 10:52pm - powerkok ""]
good for u and good luck man!
[Jun 1,2004 11:23pm - retzam ""]
Yeah man, we all wish you luck on dropping that stuff!
[Jun 1,2004 11:32pm - Abbath ""]
i smoke rocks- DC
[Jun 2,2004 12:04am - powerkok ""]
[Jun 2,2004 12:36pm - dneirflrigruoydelianI ""]
My weekend was dope I would say on a scale from 1 to 10 it was an 11 Friday was dope obviously playing with great bands and Abhorred is amazing. Saturday went to Montreal I had an interview with As I lay Dying. I got good parking and got the last fucking room in town that wasnt 400+ and i saw a dope show. I gave them a 5MH disc as well they were psyched.
Sunday was real cool, it helped that i was getting paid,my girlfriend and I did alot of shopping and eating up in Canada. I got a dope ass Slash (from gnr) shirt as well. Monday I had to go to work in VT, and upon arriving there was a message on the machines saying if you were at work monday go home so i got monday off paid as well! (the running total is 28 hours paid that doesn't take from my holiday time) we went to Burlington VT, did more shopping, ate alot . Then went to the movies t and saw Shrek 2 and The Girl Next Door(chick flick but it is about hot porn stars so I liked it). After that we hit the bars in B-town. Great weekend.

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