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PATCHES now available at Humanity's Plague Prod.

[Aug 6,2011 12:23pm - Humanity‘s Plague Prod.  ""]
In addition to the cd and vinyl titles we currently have from artists such as ABSURD, BILSKIRNIR, DROWNING THE LIGHT, NAZXUL, ALLFATHER, AVSKY etc. we now have patches available in limited quantities: All are high quality woven, sew on patches with embrioded edges We currently have:

Graveland - Carpathian Wolves
Graveland - In the Glare of Burning Churches
Black Funeral - Vampyr
Hate Forest - Scythia
Hate Forest - Resistance
Pestilential Shadows - Depths
Drowning the Light - Catacombs of Blood

Images/sizes/prices available for interested parties via email, HumanPlagueProd@aol.com
[Aug 7,2011 12:31am - billboard jean jacket  ""]
wow dude... i am totally going to be all over these patches so i can billboard up my jacket and really let people know who i like for music...dude let me know how much these advertizements cost for my retro jean trucker coat i cut up...ill look so 80s and old school and promote the shit out of these bands while gaining so much more attention with all these squiggle tags stitched on 2 cents worth of fabric...maybe northern elite head bangers will think i am elite enough to bang my head in unison with them with my modified trucker coat...i am a rebel...
[Aug 7,2011 2:07am - patch man  ""]
I want my Hats Barn patch! so I can put my Hats Barn patch on my hat!
[Aug 7,2011 5:26pm - NuclearWinter ""]
ITT: Gratuitous use of the ellipsis.

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