Now Find a show to go to! Sep 29 (Thu) - Metal Thursday CXL: Graveheart, Rattlehead [CA], Kaustik [CA], Ravage - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA) September 29 @ Ralph's {Worcester} - Metal Thursday CXL: Graveheart, Rattlehead [CA], Kaustik [CA], Ravage[views:6951][posts:10][show listing] ___________________________________ [Sep 12,2011 11:10pm - Samantha ""] [img] 21+ / $7 GRAVEHEART RATTLEHEAD [CA] KAUSTIK [CA] RAVAGE FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE |
________________________________________ [Sep 13,2011 5:01pm - josh_hates_you ""] Apparently Kaustic is a Jagermeister band. Jagermeister has a way of signing the most horrible NUMetal acts on the planet. Anyone remember "Q"....haha. Listening to this now. It's kinda bad. Song title is demonize. Total fail. Considering how generic this music is it's actually fitting. Fuck Jagermeister music and their signing of "safe" (re: generic watered down) bands. Rest of the show should be awesome. Graveheart rules. |
__________________________________ [Sep 13,2011 5:48pm - Samantha ""] I think Kaustik came as part of a tour package with Rattlehead. |
___________________________________________ [Sep 13,2011 5:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] josh_hates_you said: Anyone remember "Q"....haha. HAHA YES. orrible...very very orrrible. josh_hates_you said: Graveheart rules. and this. |
_______________________________________ [Sep 13,2011 6:00pm - boblovesmusic ""] josh_hates_you said: Anyone remember "Q"....haha. bennyhillifier |
_______________________________________ [Sep 13,2011 6:25pm - MetalThursday ""] Samantha said:I think Kaustik came as part of a tour package with Rattlehead. Indeed. Rattlehead has made MT a regular stop on their yearly US tour and this year they are touring with Kaustik. |
__________________________________ [Sep 25,2011 5:28pm - Samantha ""] With all of the trolling going on lately, I'm going use bumping this thread as an excuse to post this picture I took on the way home from work a couple of weeks ago. This is not photoshopped... license plate was 100% real. I want to know who this person is. [img] |
________________________________ [Sep 25,2011 11:23pm - Seth ""] Mercedes! :bow: |
___________________________________ [Sep 25,2011 11:43pm - Samantha ""] DAS IST MEINE FRAU-LEIN!!! |
_________________________________________ [Sep 29,2011 10:37am - fake wrengasm ""] Statistics show that 50% of all women have faked a Wrengasm at some point in their lives. |
__________________________________________________ [Sep 29,2011 11:26pm - Lezzzbien cunT loVerrr ""] OmG therE arE tWO dYKes 69ing on ThE bAr!!!!! |