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Katina's Reunion featuring Putrid Decay, Perpetual Doom, Roadhorse & more at the Palladium Sun Oct 30

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Sep 27,2011 12:01pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Katina's Reunion
Putrid Decay / Plastic X
Cameron's Way / Perpetual Doom
Impakt / Skunk Juice / Dread Cross
Roadhorse / Blind Tyger
Doors Open at: 6:00PM Show Starts at: 6:30PM

Well this looks very enticing!
[Sep 27,2011 3:11pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Sep 27,2011 4:45pm - nekronaut ""]
[Sep 27,2011 8:43pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 27,2011 9:04pm - MikeOv  ""]
Perpetual Doom reunion??? I'm sort of intrigued.
[Oct 25,2011 3:23pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm personally looking forward to this! Anyone else interested?
[Oct 28,2011 4:47pm - Krystof  ""]
It's definitely on. Putrid Decay is a Definite, along with Roadhorse and Impakt.
[Oct 28,2011 5:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
This isn't terribly phat.
[Oct 28,2011 9:35pm - Wright  ""]
Then don't go, stay home on your computer and look for more things to whine about.
[Oct 30,2011 1:46pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Oct 31,2011 10:05am - BSV  ""]
I'd love to see Perpetual Doom.
[Oct 31,2011 11:29am - Bloblovesmusic  ""]
Unfortunately they canceled but putrid decay was awesome

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