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Ashland Man Accused in Terror Plot with Remote Controlled Airplanes

[Sep 29,2011 10:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]


[Sep 29,2011 11:05am - hauptpflucker ""]
I heard about this this morning... Crazy!
[Sep 29,2011 11:11am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
supposedly he was in a band called Goosepimp or something?
[Sep 29,2011 12:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol related:

[Sep 29,2011 12:23pm - Doomkid ""]
DIY drone warfare for the win!
[Sep 29,2011 12:23pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:supposedly he was in a band called Goosepimp or something?

[Sep 29,2011 12:40pm - blue ""]
Yup, dude at one point played drums in Goosepimp. Pretty sure I met this dude at one point. He got busted at the Framingham jam space. Adam (Sexcrement singer) knew him, CSB
[Sep 29,2011 12:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dun goofed up
[Sep 29,2011 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
i heard all kinds of sirens yesterday, i wonder if it was for this.
[Sep 29,2011 1:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i would imagine so. the SWAT team was involved.
[Sep 29,2011 1:36pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I'm calling the FBI on "King" Cantor of goosepimp for terrorizing my Facebook inbox with near daily show invitations back in 2008.
[Sep 29,2011 3:39pm - eyeroller  ""]
1) Funk sucks
2) I saw this khed on the news, they showed a pic of him playing drums. I'm like, ok, local musician - I google'd him for the scoop, and there was a lot of pics of him, but only one of him playing drums - I thought, this seems a little fucked up, that the news would choose THAT pic to post...
[Sep 29,2011 3:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 29,2011 3:57pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Listen to goosepimp or terrorist.
[Sep 29,2011 4:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I illegally downloaded seven records today to do my part in funding terrorism
[Sep 29,2011 4:08pm - BSV  ""]
kid is pseudo cat stevens muslim. shitty fucking ashland kids, go figure they're too chicken shit and open minded to say anything against this moron. the best part is dozens of bands probably are at risk of losing their space cause of exposure that warehouse is getting.
[Sep 29,2011 4:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
soon each one of us will be labeled as a domestic terrorist for any number broad categories we may fall into.
[Sep 29,2011 4:40pm - aliensvszombies  ""]
[Sep 29,2011 6:30pm - Khed  ""]
Hah! I hung out with this kid a few times in college. He was constantly stoned and on any drug he could get his hands on.

I always thought he was just some tripped out new wave spiritual pseudo intellectual hippy kid. Had no idea he cared about anything political.

He was in Goosepimp Betty around like 2005, who changed their name to Goosepimp Orchestera I guess. I think I still have the cd he gave me and never opened it.

Big fan of grindcore and psychedelic/stoner rock.
[Sep 29,2011 6:34pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
Big surprise, FBI "informants" crucial to entrapment... COINTELPRO lives!

Ferdaus began planning a violent "jihad" against America in early 2010, authorities said, and he began supplying the FBI undercover agents with cell phones rigged to act as electric switches for improved explosive devices, intended to be used to kill U.S. soldiers overseas.

Undercover federal agents also gave Ferdaus 25 pounds of fake C-4 explosives. Only a very small amount of it was the real thing, the source said.

The FBI agents also gave Ferdaus six AK-47 assault rifles and three grenades, but they weren't functional, the source said.

Hoover and Sullivan would be stoked!

[Sep 29,2011 6:37pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:I'm calling the FBI on "King" Cantor of goosepimp for terrorizing my Facebook inbox with near daily show invitations back in 2008.
[Sep 29,2011 6:56pm - nekronaut ""]

[Jul 10,2012 9:58am - gooseprostitute  ""]
he is pleading guilty
[Jul 10,2012 11:41am - xmikex ""]

fuck off david cross

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