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ITT: what RTTP has to say about Refused

[Oct 25,2011 6:13pm - ark  ""]
from :swedenflag:
[Oct 25,2011 6:14pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
ITT: my bum is on the Swedish, Swedish
[Oct 25,2011 6:28pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Their first album has the old Swedish death metal guitar sound
[Oct 25,2011 6:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
I refuse to.
[Oct 25,2011 6:55pm - KEVORD ""]
The Shape of Punk to come is one of my all time favorite albums.
[Oct 25,2011 6:56pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

KEVORD said:The Shape of Punk to Come is one of my all time favorite albums.

This....but the rest of their catalog is hit or miss IMO
[Oct 25,2011 7:31pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Shape of Punk to Come is like 3 or 4 songs too long.
[Oct 25,2011 7:43pm - V-190  ""]
Always liked SOPTC & wanted to see them live. Just got an FM broadcast from 1996 in netherlands......not diggin it at all.
[Oct 25,2011 9:53pm - Fuck_Logged_In ""]
I liked soptc a lot back in the day. But I doubt I'd be that into it now.
[Oct 26,2011 10:36am - arktouros ""]
my thoughts also. carry on.
[Oct 26,2011 6:53pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:
KEVORD said:The Shape of Punk to Come is one of my all time favorite albums.

This....but the rest of their catalog is hit or miss IMO

I like this album alot as well, but I've never heard or sought out any of their other material.
[Oct 26,2011 7:15pm - KEVORD ""]
Their other albums aint so great.
[Oct 26,2011 7:27pm - blue ""]
ITT: people over the age of 25

i remember liking the 'everlasting' EP too. but then again i was like 17 lol
[Oct 26,2011 7:29pm - Sacreligion ""]
MTV2 was losing their shit over this band for like 2 months.
[Oct 26,2011 8:00pm - KEVORD ""]
The first time I saw the video for New Noise was on 120 Minutes. I'm old.
[Oct 26,2011 8:31pm - Sacreligion ""]
I can't even imagine what would be on 120 Minutes these days.
[Oct 26,2011 10:29pm - MikeOvDcrptde  ""]
The Shape of Punk to Come definitely rules.
[Oct 27,2011 1:56am - i_am_lazy  ""]

blue said:ITT: people over the age of 25

i remember liking the 'everlasting' EP too. but then again i was like 17 lol

Let me be the first not-exactly-over-25 to post here.

I never listened to anything beyond the Shape of Punk to Come. In fact I forget if I ever listened to any songs other than New Noise. But I do know I do enjoy New Noise.
[Oct 27,2011 8:00am - RustyPS ""]

KEVORD said:The first time I saw the video for New Noise was on 120 Minutes. I'm old.
the New Noise video is one of my personal faves


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