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Nov 10 (Thu) - Born of Fire: Livver, Ichabod - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

11.10.11 Born of Fire w/ Livver & Ichabod

O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA) - [ichabod][livver]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Nov 6,2011 1:46am - badsneakers ""]

"Born of Fire" is a Bi-Monthly Metal night at O'Brien's Pub in Allston, MA on the SECOND and FOURTH Thursday of every month in 2011.

You'll hear Classic and Current Metal / Hardcore DJ'ed, see movies shown on the HDTV's all night (Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, Kung Fu, Etc.), and get the best local and regional metal bands playing live.

This week:

11:00 Livver: http://www.facebook.com/livverband

10:00 Ichabod: http://www.facebook.com/Ichabod108

Cover $5
Doors/Movies/Music at 8:00
[Nov 6,2011 3:13pm - robing ""]
[Nov 6,2011 3:27pm - badsneakers ""]
oh yeah
[Nov 7,2011 6:50pm - badsneakers ""]
[Nov 8,2011 9:59am - robing ""]
[Nov 8,2011 10:01am - AndrewBastard ""]
cool mix
[Nov 10,2011 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
will be there.
[Nov 10,2011 3:38pm - robing ""]
5 bucks get hammer in the rain!
[Nov 10,2011 4:03pm - the_reverend ""]
robin, if you have a CD/CDr I would like. I got nothing of livver
[Nov 10,2011 7:20pm - robing ""]
Oh shit. Soon.
[Nov 10,2011 8:51pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving in a second.
[Nov 10,2011 10:48pm - The_Reverend ""]
[Nov 11,2011 1:33am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 11,2011 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
ichabod's new singer doesn't use any sort of reverb. His scream is a little better, but without the reverb, it was missing some of the whimsical natural. Still good stuff, just a little different.

livver has new stuff, but they play the old stuff. They were extremely loud.
[Nov 11,2011 2:26am - badsneakers ""]
if we're to loud your to old
[Nov 11,2011 2:26am - badsneakers ""]
never saw you leave btw. yuh
[Nov 11,2011 7:29am - the_reverend ""]
it was after you guys finished...
[Nov 11,2011 10:22am - badsneakers ""]
they always leave after I finish

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