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December 16th, Help me out!

[Nov 26,2011 10:05am - aaron_michael ""]
My friend's band had their show on Friday December 16th drop out and their looking to play around the Boston area instead.
Unfortunately, the places I would usually check are booked up so I'm reaching out to all you lovely people to see if you know of any place I could book, or if there's a show already happening they could hop on.

Here's their page

Send me an e-mail if you think you can help out: aaron.heinold@gmail.com
[Nov 26,2011 10:54am - ca_va_faire_une_maudite_poutin ""]
[Nov 27,2011 3:02am - chriskar  ""]
this is on my birthday..lemme know if you end up needing to book a show...looking to put together a birthday show somewhere!
[Nov 30,2011 12:40pm - aaron_michael ""]
I just got a message from Alex FA/Schaphism and he has connections that I don't, so this MAY work out!
Chris, I'll text you if they do!
[Nov 30,2011 12:43pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Alekhine's Gun rules, I hope this works out for them!

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