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[QUOTE="boblovesmusic:1284288"]Back by popular demand! [B]Cannibal Holocaust[/B] Fri & Sat, March 9 & 10, Midnite [YOUTUBE=TEGZ1mCgakg] 1hr 35mins // directed by:Ruggero Deodato The most controversial movie ever made returns to the Coolidge! Banned and heavily censored throughout the world, here is a film that surpasses its reputation as a shotgun blast to the senses. Cannibal Holocaust presents the found footage of four documentary filmmakers who experience brutal death at the hands of a savage South American tribe of flesh-eaters. Co-presented by the Boston Underground Film Festival. [B]Cracks in the Shell (Die Unsichtbare)[/B] Sunday, March 11, 11 AM [YOUTUBE=ovKkj-Bu1-M] 1hr 53mins // directed by:Christian Schwochow Acting student Josephine can't seem to land a leading role. She keeps on being passed over and begins to think of herself as invisible, but when famous director Gaspar Friedmann chooses her to play the lead role in his new production Josephine is the first to wonder why. The heroine of his production is a strong sexually aggressive vamp - the very opposite of Josephine. As she is pushed further and further into her new role, the borders between theater and reality begin to blur, sending her on a dangerous path toward self-discovery, and possibly even self-destruction. Director Christian Schwochow follows up his award-winning 2008 film November Child with this powerful and gripping journey of ambition and abuse. In German with English subtitles. (looks kinda brutal might appeal to some folk) [B]Shogun Assassin[/B] Fri & Sat, March 16 & 17, Midnite [YOUTUBE=E0wQhiptQBE] 1hr 25mins // directed by:Robert Houston // featuring:Tomisaburô Wakayama, Masahiro Tomikawa He whips out his sword and relieves his victims of their heads! More of a greatest hits movie than an actual stand-alone film of its own, Shogun Assassin is the delirious hybrid of two episodes of the popular Baby Cart series dubbed into English and fused together into a hyper-violent bloodbath ballet that's sure to entertain the samurai-film enthusiast with a strong stomach. Co-presented by the Boston Underground Film Festival. [B]Looney Tunes[/B] Saturday, March 17, 10:30 AM [IMG]http://www.coolidge.org/sites/default/files/images/banners/Looney%20Tunes banner.jpg[/IMG] 1hr 20mins They're the crown princes of animation. They're the international ambassadors of cartoon comedy. They're the fabulously funny friends you grew up with! Join Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety and the gang for another fun-filled weekend of classic Warner Bros cartoons at the Coolidge! (Looney Tunes on 35mm as they were shown back in the day! I think it's pretty awesome!) [B]The Room[/B] Saturday, March 17 Friday, April 20 Saturday, April 21 Midnite [IMG]http://www.coolidge.org/sites/default/files/images/banners/banner_73.jpg[/IMG] 1hr 30mins // directed by:Tommy Wiseau // featuring:Tommy Wiseau Special screenings of The Room with Tommy Wiseau and co-star Greg Sestero in person, April 20 & 21. The Love Is Blind Tour 2012. Purchase your tickets now before they sell out and it's too late. Midnite crowds have flocked to attend this show due to its "so amazingly bad it's [spooning] great" charms. In recent years, some of Hollywood's most talented have counted themselves being in the cult of The Room. Paul Rudd, David Cross and Jonah Hill catch the film whenever they can. The Room's director, producer and leading man is the mysterious Tommy Wiseau. In the film, Tommy portrays "Johnny", a man who becomes involved in a love triangle when the woman he loves begins sleeping with another man. Johnny is also the mentor of a drug dealing man child, a dog aficionado and possesses an alarmingly unnerving giggle. Kept as an L.A. secret for half of a decade, The Room has now found its way to the east coast and we here at the Coolidge are proud to present it in all its baffling glory. [B]Kevin Smith Live & In Person[/B] Thursday, March 22, 7PM [IMG]http://www.coolidge.org/sites/default/files/images/banners/banner_71.jpg[/IMG] Join the Coolidge in welcoming Kevin Smith (director of Clerks and Mallrats, writer of Silent Bob Speaks and The Bionic Man) for an exclusive Boston appearance in support of his hilarious new book TOUGH SH*T: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good (Gotham Books, March 20, 2012, available in Hardcover, eBook and Penguin Audio). In it nothing is off limits, it’s a memoir that unlocks his unlikely path to success. For this special evening Kevin will discuss the book and answer questions from the audience. This isn’t a book of feel-good stories. It’s a book of Tough Sh*t. He talks about the critics who’ve savaged his films and the actors and executives who’ve made him hate what he loves. He discusses his fallout out with Harvey Weinstein and The Weinstein Company and his feuds with Bruce Willis. He examines his struggles with weight, the infamous Southwest Airlines incident, and why he decided to start smoking pot at the age of 38. But he also tells you the good stuff you get if you suffer through the Tough Sh*t, like his amazing wife Jen, who suffers through marriage to a sex-obsessed fatty. Sprinkled throughout, Kevin offers his readers gems of life advice that have helped him along the way: like what he learned from his hero Wayne Gretzky – “Don’t go where the puck’s been; go where it’s gonna be;” from the very act of conception – “You’re a big, fat bucket of win when you begin this crapshoot life;” and from Ferris Bueller: “You can never go too far. But if you’re gonna get busted, don’t let it be by a guy like that.” Fanboys, film-buffs, stoners, fatties, skinnies, Smodcasters and anyone who wants to know how to get away with getting paid for doing what they love will find something to like in this book. All tickets: $28, ticket price includes a signed copy of the book to be picked up upon arrival at the theatre. And more to come![/QUOTE]
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